(Birthday ep.) Dabi

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CW: Very slight mentions of NSFW. No crazy scenes just slight lewd commentary.

(y/n) had made his way up toward the window once again. It was late and he had just finished his Patrol around the city. The sky was dark, with the exception of the stars and the moon. The dark hours of the day had quickly become a comfort for the pro hero. The (h/c)ette could hear the familiar music come from the window as he got closer to reaching it.

On days where he was extra tired the hero hated how the other male chose the apartment on the higher levels. (y/n) slipped through the window quickly, not a person in sight. he went through his bag frantically before heading to the kitchen to make dinner. It was a small apartment but he wouldn't complain since he knew it was an abandoned building. The bed was in the far corner on a slightly elevated platform. The walls were dark and seemed to be made of brick. A little ways in front was a couch and a tv.

Nothing extremely crazy, a closet and a bathroom. For the most part the apartment looked brand new, it was a shock to the hero sometimes. (y/n) had finished making dinner fairly quickly so he left the food on the counter as the music continued to play loudly through the apartment. He put the cake into the fridge before laying down on the couch. The hero drifted off into sleep, his guard still up.

An hour had gone by before the
(h/c)ette could feel the presence of someone looming over his body. He decided not to take the risk as it could be one of the league members. He used his quirk to capture them and pull them onto the couch as he rolled off. "Fast reflexes, little hero." Dabi sighed a little, he was just about to use a little flame to wake the other male up. "You scared the fuck out of me." (y/n) released the other male from his quirk. His body relaxing slightly knowing it wasn't anyone dangerous.

"Don't lie, no matter how scared you are, you're always ready to fu-" Dabi was cut off by the other male walking away. "Made dinner." (y/n) handed Dabi a plate as he grabbed his own. The two ate together with a playful atmosphere flirting with each other and talking about how their days were shit. "You really thought Shigaraki would be in here?" The conversation had gone back to earlier when (y/n) had felt someone standing near his sleeping body.

"It's not far off, remember when I almost ran into Toga in here?" The (h/c)ette shook his head a little at the memory. He had been trying to surprise his lover by stopping by during the day. It had been one of his biggest mistakes. When he entered he found Toga snooping around in Dabi's room. "She's been staying out after that day, almost found one of those fancy little hero get-ups of yours." The dark haired male smirked a little. He knew they had been sneaking around for a while now but he had that unsettling feeling in his stomach that this would be as far as it went.

They had originally started as nothing more than physical but (y/n) treated him with so much care it was hard not to want more. "Why'd you cook dinner anyway? That's not our usual routine." He asked looking into the (e/c) eyes he knew too well. Throughout the months Dabi felt like he could trust the hero more and more. He had let his true identity slip but it didn't matter. If the (h/c)ette felt like a threat to Dabi then he would eliminate it.

"Been talking to some of the.. relatives and I know it's your birthday so I wanted to do something nice for you." (y/n) had squeezed the information out of one of Endeavors sons. He had chosen the best one to ask, Natsuo. Still very upset over his older brothers death.

The hero watched as the other males eyes narrowed with the look of betrayal in them. "I was only poking for your birthdate that's all. I don't talk to them other than that. I did do something bad though." (y/n) sighed, he might as well come clean if this is where things were headed. Dabi didn't feel like talking about this anymore. He had an unexplainable anger rising within him that he couldn't ignore. "How do I know you're telling the truth." He could feel his body start to heat up.

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