(Halloween Ep.) Shota, Aizawa

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It was another full moon and (y/n) had been waiting in his usual spot.

For months now, he had been meeting with a man he met in the woods. When they first met the
(h/c)ette was terrified, but the two had gotten to know each other very well. The man's name was Shota, and the two often talked about how beautiful the moon was. One time, the (h/c)ette had fallen asleep with his head on the other man's shoulder. It was a bit embarrassing, but it brought them closer together. (y/n) hated to admit it, but he had a large infatuation with Shota.

He was the closest thing you could get to perfection. The (h/c)ette checked his watch before looking back up at the sky "You're late Aizawa." Tonight was the last night to see the full moon in all its glory. They had scheduled a meet-up time but thirty minutes had already passed since the (h/c)ette arrived. He could continue to wait, there was no reason not to. Besides, he was getting a look at the moon. A few moments went by before (y/n) heard rustling behind him. "Shota?" The man stood up for a moment to turn around.

There didn't seem to be anyone there. "Shota?" He called out again, waiting to see if there would be more movement. A hand wrapped around one of the trees which startled (y/n), there was nothing too abnormal with the way it looked, only the nails were far too sharp. "Maybe, I should go home?" A voice called out, it was all too familiar and had made the
(h/c)ette excited. "Shota, I've been waiting to see you this whole month get over here." There was no further movement made, so (y/n) decided to go get him. This wasn't the first time the raven-haired male acted this way.

Oftentimes times Aizawa would start acting a little weird the later it got. The (h/c)ette figured he was just getting tired but he never asked. When there was no further movement, (y/n) walked over to the tree. "Why're you acting stranger than usual? Are you alright?"

"Please don't come any further I don't want to scare you." Aizawa backed away slightly, he wasn't sure now was the right time to show (y/n) but he had strong feelings for the other male and couldn't resist going to see him. "I don't think you'd scare me. Come on, we don't have much time left." The (h/c)ette didn't want to push further but he had been waiting for this and was slightly disappointed. "Alright just don't scream." Shota stepped out into the light which came from the moon. He had been worried that (y/n) would be scared of his true form but instead, the other male started to giggle.

"You decided to wear a costume? That's cute but I don't think it's a very good one." The (h/c)ette stepped toward the other male with a smile still on his face. It was nice for the other male to make an effort for Halloween. "This isn't a costume though. I do realize that it might be weird for me to suddenly come out here like this but it was harder to control this time than it was last month." Aizawa was slightly confused over the fact that (y/n) didn't believe him. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. "Oh really?" The shorter male got as close as he could to Shota before reaching up to touch the pointed ears he had seen sticking out of Aizawa's long hair.

"Odd, they're quite warm for plastic, are they silicone?" It was fascinating to (y/n) how real they felt. They were oddly soft. "They're real, and sensitive, well, all of me is sensitive in this state." The two made eye contact and that's when (y/n) realized how close they really were. "Sorry for touching without asking, I'll stop." The (h/c)ette had acted without thinking before and was slightly concerned that he made Shota uncomfortable. "I don't mind, I normally dislike human interaction in general but I do like you." Aizawa smiled slightly.

There was something he really liked about (y/n) and he had felt it since they first met. It wasn't an accident the day he found the (h/c)ette, he knew he was there. He had been following the sense of home. "If this is actually real show me your teeth, I want to see what else is different."
(y/n) had a sparkle in his eye, at this point he didn't care much if this was real. Shota had just said that he liked him and it didn't matter which way he meant it. This was a win for (y/n).

"Can't my claws be enough for you to believe me? I can try to make my hands go back to normal." If there was one thing the taller male wasn't happy about, it was that his canines were always slightly sharp. It didn't matter if he was in this form or his human form. "I'll take what I can get." The (h/c)ette smiled a little, before lifting Shota's arm up in order to get a better look. "If I show you, what happens next?" The taller male was slightly concerned that the person he found comfort in would soon leave after realizing this was indeed real.

"I have a pretty good idea, you just have to trust me." (y/n) was a little nervous but it didn't matter, it was now or never. If he missed this opportunity then he was sure he wouldn't be getting another one for a couple of months. "Alright, go on and look." Aizawa's hand was slightly larger than it normally was. His nails were more like claws. They were large, and looked sharp enough to cut deep if slight pressure was applied.

To test the theory the (h/c)ette moved his hand closer and pushed a fingertip against one of the claws. "It doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would." his (e/c) eyes met with black ones before he carefully laced his fingers with Shota's. "That's caused they're slightly curved in at the top, it won't hurt unless I actually try to dig at you. I promise I won't." The man closed his eyes in order to concentrate on the feeling of his claws. He tried his best to remember the feeling of his hands regularly. When he opened his eyes his hands were back to their human form.

"That was really cool, I was half expecting it not to work.. are you really a werewolf? I'm sorry I keep asking." (y/n) laughed a little, was it crazy that he didn't care? The
(h/c)ette was always one for supernatural romance so maybe this was his chance to live out his dreams. "It's all real, I'm real." Aizawa looked at the shorter male for a moment before looking down at their hands. He had never told anyone about what he was, he never felt close enough to a person that he felt like he wanted to.

"Can I date you now? I know it might be sudden to ask but we've been meeting for months. I really really enjoy your company." (y/n) had to cut himself off, he didn't want to blabber on about all the details. He truly believed that he was in love with Aizawa. The way his long hair was soft and fell perfectly in a way that shaped his face beautifully. The way Shota always complained about being tired and unable to sleep through the night. It was odd really but the way the taller male was gentle with the
(h/c)ette mentally and physically was another thing that he loved.

"You actually want to date me?" Shota wasn't shocked at all but he still thought he should ask. The truth was, the dark-haired male knew exactly how (y/n) felt about him. He was able to tell by his pheromones when they first met. Dating a werewolf was complicated, there were things the human still didn't know about. "I do, I have a lot to learn, can you teach me?" (y/n) whispered while moving his head slightly closer to Aizawa's. "I'll give you hands-on homework, can you handle that?" The taller male wasn't used to saying things like this but he could always try.

"I'm tougher than I look." (y/n) whispered before closing the gap between them. He was well aware that they might've said the most cliche things but as long as it was Aizawa, he'd allow it. The two broke apart shortly after and the (h/c)ette finally decided he wanted to show the taller male where he lived. It wasn't huge but he had a nice home and when the two arrived there were no questions asked. Shota was quick to head where the scent was the strongest.

He ended up in (y/n)'s bedroom and soon after ended up in the bed. "You could've just asked." (y/n) laughed a little before throwing himself next to Aizawa. There was no use in fighting it. they were both tired so they should rest. The two were close with just a small space between them. "Can I?" Shota was referring to the space. It's not like he needed it to be closed but at the same time, he was clingy. Maybe it was a nature's call thing.

"Free range sir. Do as you please."
(y/n) smiled a little but his smile grew when he felt an arm snake around his waist. The two stayed there with each other for the rest of the night. They hadn't talked everything through but it didn't matter. They both knew they'd be fine. It was odd but most of the time they knew each other so well. It was as easy as reading. "I love you Shota." (y/n) whispered out before closing his eyes. A smile came to his face when he heard the other male hum a little in response.

Eventually, the two fell asleep, it was nothing short of peaceful. They were content and would continue to be so. There was no other way since the
(h/c)ette would soon find out that werewolves mate for life. He seemed to have a big decision to make but it wasn't that difficult. He really did love Shota, everyone else didn't even come close. The two were happy and that's all that really mattered.

word count: 1730

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