(Halloween Ep.) Dabi

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TW: Blood

It was nearing midnight and (y/n) was starting to regret going out to explore. He was visiting a city he'd never been to before and was trying to be adventurous. The only problem was that, was how dark it was and the fact that he was lost. There was only so much he could do now. His phone was almost out of battery, so he couldn't use it.

There was some rustling from around the corner, so the (h/c)ette tried his best not to move. He didn't want to get robbed. "Well, well, if it isn't a little mouse. What's got you out so late, hm?" A voice sounded from behind (y/n) causing him to jump a little. He might be in danger already, so what was the point of trying to lie? If he had to chose between death or death. Then there really was no option.

"I'm lost. Can you help me?" The shorter male tried his best to find a wall he could lean on, but he ended up leaning into the stranger from before. "Eager little mouse. I'll take you somewhere fun." The man's voice sounded raspy, but not to the point you would question if his throat hurt. It was soft. "What do I get out of this? I just want to go back to my hotel." (y/n) realized almost instantly how bad that sounded and felt his face heat up.

The man didn't reply and (y/n) felt himself get lifted into the air. He didn't have time to protest, since the wind started passing his face at an alarming rate. After what felt like a minute he was placed back onto the ground, feeling dizzy.

"How, was that you?" The (h/c)ette was very confused, he hadn't realized that they made it back to where some lights were on in the city. "You alright there? You're stumbling a bit, wouldn't want you to pass out on me just yet." Now that (y/n) was able to see. He noticed the height difference, this man with black hair was much taller than he was. Not to mention he had scarring on his body, one that made the (h/c)ette wonder about.

"What's your name?" At this point, there was no fighting it or turning back. It was clear that the taller male had a way to get around fast. If he wanted the (h/c)ette dead he would have done so. "You can call me Dabi, for now. Come." The taller male pulled the other close. He wanted the bouncer to see they were there together. This way there wouldn't be any questions. He would be able to do as he pleases.

"What an odd name." (y/n) whispered to himself as he saw the sign. The place was named
'The Bank', the words were all in red and the building was completely black. When the two entered it, everyone inside immediately turned to look at them. The room had a lot of red in it and most of the people inside seemed to be a couple. Only a few stood alone at the bar alone.

"Hey twice, give me a key to the rooms will you?" Dabi was trying to be patient but he was over it. He wanted to get his fix. "You know the rules, pretty little thing needs to know what he's in for before you do it." The man in the mask, twice, was incredibly energetic. It made sense as to why he was the bartender. He had the kind of energy everyone wanted to be around. "Alright, come with me. Don't scream or you'll create a problem I can't fix." Dabi was a little confused, whenever he wanted a meal he did it quickly so he could get it over with. There was never a time he brought someone back to the lounge.

The only reason why he picked the (h/c)ette was because he smelled incredibly appetizing. There was a story that the old ones used to say. A story of how people like them would find their soulmate based on smell and taste. That the human wouldn't find them frightening and the feeding process wouldn't hurt them at all. Instead it would create a sense of pleasure to them. That's how you'd know they were sculpted out just for you. Dabi had been trying to find his soulmate for a century now, with no luck.

"I think we'll be okay as long as you don't kill me." (y/n) had meant it as a joke but when he saw the taller male shrug and whispered out a 'no promises' he was hesitant. Gambling with your life never seemed like a good idea but he was on vacation and nothing exciting was waiting for him at home. The two walked into one of the doors labeled 'community'. (y/n) wasn't sure what he expected to see but this sure wasn't it.

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