Kirishima, Ejiro

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A few months had passed since (y/n) started at UA. Since then he had made friends with one of the most attractive guys in his class, Ejiro Kirishima. At first he had been running hard and fast, with flirtatious comments toward the spiked red head but when that had no effect he stopped. He wasn't sure if Kirishima liked guys so he just decided friends would be better than nothing.

The truth was throughout those months the red eyed man payed lots of attention to the (h/c)ette. He was very attentive to him and overly nice. He wasn't sure when but he had started to develop feelings for (y/n). At first he tried his best to stop it since the (h/c)ette had a record for being flirtatious to those around him. It was hard for Kirishima to know whether or not he was being friendly or if he really did have feelings for him.

Even though he had tried to suppress it the red head failed miserably. How could he not? (y/n) always had such a bright smile on his face and was quick to cheer others up. He had an amazing sense of humor and those (e/c) eyes of his that sparkled so much they could be a (e/c) gem. Since last week Ejiro was planning a date for them, whether it was platonic or not he didn't care. "Hey (l/n)! what are you up to tomorrow?" Today was friday and if there was any time to ask him out it was now.

"I don't think I have any plans. I was thinking of seeing if you wanted to do something. We could go get something to eat at your favorite place." The (h/c)ette knew how much Kirishima loved meat. Often times he would take the red head out to eat just because the taller male would make the cutest faces, it really warmed his heart. "We could do that today. Tomorrow I wanna take you out, is that okay?" When a 'yes' was the response that was given (y/n) saw that bright sharp toothed smile he was starting to grow even more fond of.

"I wouldn't spend my Saturday any other way." The two of them spent the rest of lunch talking about their plans with each other. Their other friends had joined them a little while after they agreed on going out together. Denki had teased them about it being a date which neither of them denied, giving Kirishima more confidence in his choice.

"Bakugo is also going on a date tomorrow, I'm the only one who's not." Denki pouted a little but was more shocked at the fact that no one at his table looked shocked that the angry blonde had a date. They started to bicker over who was told first but it ended with Denki knowing that he found out last. After lunch finished they had gone back to their class.

(y/n) took the time to really look at his best friend. Seeing his hair put up all the time wasn't bad but sometimes he wished that Kiri would just let his hair down. Of course, he looked good both ways but with his hair down, it was a whole new feeling. (e/c) eyes landed on the scar that was right above his red eyebrow. When the two first met (y/n) found out that the little scar was one thing the red head was insecure about. That, and not being good enough.

It was ridiculous to the (h/c)ette. The scars that we get from life help build a story of things we got to live through and survive. There would never be a day where Kirishima wouldn't be enough.

"Hey, (l/n), since we are doing hero analysis and apparently people observation. would you mind telling the rest of the class what's so intriguing about Kirishima?" Aizawa felt slightly bad for calling out one of his top students, he knew that even though (y/n) wasn't paying attention he'd be able to turn in the homework correctly but a lesson is a lesson.

"Yes, yes sir. Um, Kirishima here is obviously pretty to look at, by that I mean he will never appeal badly to the media. His heart of gold is another thing that he'll never have to worry about. He would never scare the already injured victims. His bright smile is heartwarming to everyone, I'm sure."

"He's always got such kind words to say, he would be able to calm anyone down using them. His eyes hold a nice caring touch to them, you can tell when he's being sincere, he's almost never not being sincere. He's really strong, physically and mentally. Physically it's really easy to see, even if he's got such large amounts of muscle he's still quite soft to the touch so in any case, he would never further injury the people he saves.. um and" The (h/c)ette didn't get to finish before he was cut off by Aizawa saying it was enough.

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