Chapter 1

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Reader POV

Beidou: Oi! (Y/N)! Are you ready to go or what

Me: Yeah yeah coming!

Hutao: I will miss you! come back soon okay? ( Hugs)

Me: aww please you know I will come back I just want to visit my family for awhile

Zhongli: have a pleasant journey (Y/N)

Me: I know you will Miss me, Zhongli, come here!

Drags Zhongli in for a hug

Zhongli: this feels rather nice,

Yanfei: oh! please be aware of Inazuma laws here's a compilation of all of their laws known to us. ( hands over a very heavy book of laws)

Kazuha: Y/N we have to go before the storm arrives

Me: Right, that's my sign to go, I'll come back soon okay.

Everyone: Have a safe trip!

I got on the ship and everyone was preparing to set sail, I looked over the ship and waved goodbye to my friends before the ship started moving and there it went off to the land of eternity once again.

I lived and grew up in Inazuma when I was younger but decided to move out for my reasons, basically running away from responsibility ...

The journey to Inazuma was rather pleasant there weren't many storms but the sea breeze and the sunsets and rise are amazing, I got off the ship and bid goodbyes to Beidou and Kazuha and was greeted by Thoma

Thoma: Y/N ! you've returned! ( hugs )

Me: it's good to be back here have you heard about my father?

Thoma: to be honest, the news is spreading so quickly it's good that I sent the letter to you immediately god knows how things will end if you didn't return on time.

Me: thank you, Thoma, for always updating me

Thoma: hey, don't worry about it, I'm sure Lady Ayaka will be happy to see you again

We talked and walked to the Sasaki Clan's estate and Thoma left me to handle my situation, I was greeted by one of the guards

Sasaki guard: Welcome back Lady Y/N

Me: thank you, is father in?

Sasaki guard: indeed

I nodded my head and walked through the gardens and into the building. Before opening the door I took a deep breath and exhaled. Before pushing the doors open I turned to the right side of the room and walked towards my father's room and knocked on the door before entering.

Seeing him laying on the bed and his head facing my direction, he slowly got out of bed to greet me.

Father: your home, you are the last person I wanted to see.

Me: if you do not want me here then I can head back to Liyue while the boat is still here.

Father: we need to talk

Me: talk then.

Father: I am rather unwell these days and have decided to hand down my line of succession to you . since you are the only Sasaki bloodline left.

Me; I'll refuse that offer?

Father: WHY!

Me: I don't see myself as a leader, I cannot lead anyone or anything.

Father: If it was about the past that arranged marriage I sincerely apologize! But I am dying right here! ( coughs)

Me: I don't care. If there's nothing else, I shall take my leave.

I got up and walked out of the room before my father could say another word. I ran. I didn't care where I was running to but running was my only option and only to find out I was in Chunju forest. It was peaceful and quiet.

I took out my polearm and started swinging it around like a mad man kicking and punching the blade until my hands started to bleed, and the rain started pouring along with my tears flowing uncontrollably

All of a sudden I sensed someone standing behind me holding an umbrella over my head, his lavender eyes and blue hair came into light

Kamisato Ayato: are you okay? You're bleeding, come with me.

He helped me keep my polearm and took my hand and it lead me to the Kamisato estate,

Kamisato Ayato: Thoma! Get the first aid kit!

Thoma: my lord is ther- LADY Y/N?! I'll be right back!

Kamisato Ayato: Your Lady Y/N? As in the Sasaki's clan only daughter that ran away many many years ago?

I nodded my head in response and he smiled and looked at me

Suddenly another set of footsteps came in it was Ayaka

Kamisato Ayaka: Lady Y/N! Your back! And your bleeding goodness!

Thoma: I'm here! Here you go, my lord. ( hands over the first aid kit)

Ayato carefully applied the medical oil and wrapped the bandages carefully on both hands.

Kamisato Ayato: Sasaki Y/N ,

Me: yes?

Kamisato Ayato: you don't remember me? 

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now