Chapter 3

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The Next morning Thoma came to wake me up and handed me my clothes from yesterday. I thanked him and got dressed straight away. Soon I found myself walking to Ayato's office and seeing Ayaka and Thoma were already there.

Kamisato Ayato: Y/N Join us we were just about to discuss regarding lasts night's conversation

Me: oh alright.

Kamisato Ayato: well, Y/N and I will make an appearance today in town, and the next day Thoma and Ayaka can start spreading the rumors around that I am courting Y/N

Thoma: sure thing my lord

Kamisato Ayaka: of course brother,

Ayaka and Thoma left to do their things and I slowly got up and took my pole arm and started walking out the front door, what I didn't realize is Ayato was standing behind me all along and I accidentally swang my polearm and he caught it before it could hit his face

Kamisato Ayato: You might want to be careful there Y/N, you might end up hitting someone.

Me: Sorry! I didn't know you were standing behind me

Kamisato Ayato: Come on, let's head to town and make the gossip happen

Ayato then grabbed me by my arm and lead me to town and interlocked arms just before entering the town there everyone stared at us with weird faces and gossip was already happening the min we stepped foot into town

I whispered into Ayato's ear: Uhm is this normal or I have not been in Inazuma for a while.

Ayato whispered back: this is just the beginning my lady.

We stopped in front of a cart and Ayato bought 2 cups and boba and handed me one I took a sip and Woah this is amazing.

We continued to interlock arms and strolled through the city and then slowly made our way back to Kamisato Estate. We sat in Ayato's office and he started teaching me how to do paperwork and wanted to check how much I learned which didn't go too well

Ayato then headed for the toilet and I slummed forward and rest my head on the table and heard a knock on the door and it was Thoma

Thoma: Y/N, I brought afternoon tea and snacks, where's the Lord?

Me: toilet break,

Thoma: You alright? You seem down

Me: I'm alright, more like I pissed off Ayato I can't even understand what kind of paperwork I'm doing, I mean I know it's practice and all but I don't belong sitting in the office all day I like the fresh air the sea the sun the rain

Thoma: It takes some getting used to, I'm sure with more practice here and there you will get the hang of it.

Me: I'll try, thank you Thoma ( bites snacks) hmm these are delicious!

Thoma: Thank you. enjoy your remaining class

Thoma then walked out of the room and left, while I helped myself to the snacks and tea. When Ayato came back from using the toilet we got straight back to lessons and it was non-stop until dinner was done.

We sat at the table with everyone else and ate quietly with not much to say. when everyone was done with dinner I was preparing to head back home or find some tall tree and sleep before I could step out my room door Ayato was already standing there waiting.

Kamisato Ayato: Where do you think you're going? ( raised his eyebrows)

Me: heading home?

Kamisato Ayato: alright. be back here by sunrise

Me: sure sure.

With that, I took my stuff and headed out of the door, and was free at last! now time to find a tree and sleep in, I continued to walk through chinju forest and found a giant tree and climb to the top and made myself feel comfy on the big branch and stared at the stars

I stared and stared for a while before i heard something in the bushes below me and looked down and it was Ayato and he was looking back up at me

Kamisato Ayato: I thought you said you were going home?

Me: I am home!

Kamisato Ayato: a tree is not a home 

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now