Chapter 2

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Kamisato Ayato: You don't remember me?

I stared blankly at the lord and tilted my head a little and looked at Ayaka and Thoma for hints and shook my head from left to right.

Kamisato Ayato: doesn't this name seem familiar to you, " little sakura "

My eyes opened wide and looked at the lord

Me: Little violet grass?!

The lord nodded his head and sat there with me, I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

Kamisato Ayaka: Brother, is there something I should know?

Me: Lady Ayaka, your brother and I used to be best friends before he disappeared

Kamisato Ayato: you ran away from Inazuma when you had the chance, ( he hugged back )

Me: long story, I ran away from my responsibilities and headed for Liyue to chill

Thoma: you must be freezing Y/N I'll get the bath ready

Kamisato Ayato: Yes, you are shivering Little Sakura.

Me: Hey! I'm not little anymore! I'm a grown women

After that Thoma led me into the steam room and bathroom and handed me a set of clothes to change out while he washes mine and lets them dry.

I entered the living room and no one was there and took a good look at the sky and it was rather dark already and there suddenly Ayato stood behind me

Kamisato Ayato: sleep with us tonight, you looked like you had a rough time back home.

Me: can I consult with you about something . . .

Kamisato Ayato: sure, lets go to my office

Ayato led the way to his office and I sat down in front of him.

Me: my father wants me to take over the Sasaki clan . . . and you know I am no leader and I barely can sit still in the office as you and I don't know how to handle the paperwork. I might just piss my father off more if he was teaching me all of this ...

Kamisato Ayato: Sakura .... The only question I have for you is, do you want to end the Sasaki Clan or continue its legacy?

Me: I would like to continue its legacy.

Kamisato Ayato: I will teach you. on one condition.

Me: anything.

Kamisato Ayato : marry me ?

I blurted out my tea and looked at him with my eyes widen

Me: you're kidding right? I mean I know we have been friends since we were little and all but-

Kamisato Ayato: Let's say I want to keep some female chasers away from me while I work, announcing that I have a suitable female companion and the rest will move along.

Me; it will definitely benefit you. But do you like me in any way?

Kamisato Ayato: nope, not even the slightest Sakura.

Me: stop calling me Sakura i might get the wrong idea in the end . . .

Kamisato Ayato: So do we have a deal? We will be married to each other but we have no lovers interaction unless out in public, you keep away the felines and I will teach you everything there is to know about being a member of the head clan.

Me: why don't we put it this way, we let the word spread that you are courting me that way i don't lose my head of clan title and you are still able to stick by me all day and at night is up to you. How does that sound?

Kamisato Ayato: splendid, shall I write a contact?

Me: no need we keep this between ourselves and the Kamisato clan only we just need someone to spread the word

Kamisato Ayato: I will tell Thoma tomorrow and let him spread the word and we do need to make an appearance since people would need to confirm their suspicion and since you are back I don't think you need to hide in the shadows as well

Me: And sometime during the day you will teach me how to do paperwork and stuff like that right?

Kamisato Ayato; indeed.

We shook hands and I left for my room and Ayato went into him, I lay on the bed thinking it's been years since I last saw Ayato. Yes, we have been friends since we were little and I was traveling to Liyue so often when I was young that I ended up running away...


Father: Y/N I need you to marry for power. So I have selected a few powerful men in Inazuma to marry you.

Me: no! That's ridiculous! mother would not have wanted that!

Father: You are the only child in the Sasaki Clan, I get that you want to live a free life but everything comes with a price to pay and you are going to marry one of them by hook or by crook. I don't care. End of discussion.

Me: You are not my father anymore! I never had a father, I will never forgive you and I hope you fucking live a life of regrets!

Father: How dare you talk to me like that?! I am your father!

Me: a father? you never were, never was, and will never be!

I dashed out of the estate and headed for the docks, I bumped into Captain Beidou who always took me back and forth during my journeys with my mother and I asked if I could maybe live in Liyue and Beidou made some connections and I ended up living in Liyue for almost half of my life

*end of flashback

From time to time I did think about the people in Inazuma that I have left behind..., especially Ayato ... when we were kids we always are running around the streets petting animals, and chasing each other, Ayaka was still relatively young back then i did manage to see her a few times

But the day Ayato lost his parents was the day I fought with my father and was never to be seen ever again ...

Looking back I thought I made the right decision to leave who knew.... Maybe I was wrong for leaving. I could have married someone with status or still be leading the clan arghhh why am i thinking about this! 

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now