Chapter 5

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Reader POV

It was noon and I still have not eaten or stepped out of the room since I got back in the morning and with Thoma begging me to come out i refuse, in the meantime, i spent half the time sleeping and cleaning my wounds and my polearm

Then I heard a knock on the door

Ayato: Y/N come out, please.

I looked up when I heard Ayato's voice but I shocked it off and kept quiet,

After a few seconds I heard the footsteps move away, I let out a sigh and continued to lay in the futon tossing and turning around until I heard Ayato and Thoma having a conversation in the hallway.

Ayato: Thoma, inform the Sasaki Clan that Y/N isn't feeling well and will visit her father as soon as she gets better.

Thoma: But my lord, I heard that his illness is getting worse by the day.

Ayato: Y/N needs to go in with a clear mind, I can't possibly force her to go.

I then stood up and opened the door and stared at the both of them with my eyebrows raised.

Ayato; ah, we were just discussing -

Me: cut the crap talk, let's go.

I took Ayato's hand and dragged him out of the Kamisato estate and to the Sasaki Clan's estate.

Throughout the whole journey, I was quite compiling my thoughts and lowering my stress and anger. There are so many things I want to say to my father but there was just too much anger filled in me.

We arrived at the entrance of the Estate and the guards let Ayato and me in I stood outside the door and lowered my head. I placed my hand on the door and let out a sigh

Then I felt a hand on my head and I turned my head to see Ayato nodding his head indicating for me to go in and a small smile to assure me that everything will be okay.

I smiled slightly and pushed the door open and walked to my father's room to see the other members of the Sasaki clan and lowered my head and preparing for the worst comments

Mako: Lady Y/N. ( bowed)

Ahmya: Lady Y/N , you imbecile ! How dare you step foot on these grounds after running away from responsibility!

Ahmya walked up to me with rage and was preparing to slap me and I was ready to take it in full but he was stopped by Ayato who grabbed onto his hand before he could slap me,

Ayato: She has the right to be here, so if you were to Slap her, what would her father think of you? Think before you act Mr. Ahmya, You may be the assistant in the Sasaki clan but nothing beats Blood.

I turned and looked at Ayato and he nodded his head again and he let go of Mr. Ahmya's hand and we continued to walk further into the mansion and there I was standing in front of my father's bedroom,

Me: I can go in alone,

Ayato: Are you sure?

Me: yes.

Ayato: Very well, I'll be outside waiting for you.

Me: alright.

I pushed open the door and there my father was laying in bed with his eyes half-open , I went in and closed the doors behind me and kneeled beside his bed, and lowered my head

Father: Y/N is that you?

Me: yes father...

Father: I thought I will never see you again ( coughs coughs coughs)

Me: I apologize-

Father: no please... let me ...

Me: alright...

Father: I remember the very day I held you in my arms, you were so tiny... ... ... you were my little princess, you and your mother are what I held- cough cough - close to me. . . When your mother died I was saddened and drowned - myself in work and neglected you. I'm sorry ... if I'm, not a good father... ( coughs) and when you ran away from home, it angered me even more and multiple times ( coughs ) I send men to kidnap you to bring you back here . . . but they failed .. ... I'm glad you are strong enough to beat them all.

Me: . . .

Father: Y/N I will always love you no matter where you go . . . It's okay if you don't want to take over my place . . . you and your mother are very much alike, so full of life, traveling the world of Teyvat was your mother's dream. I hope you can ( coughs) continue to do what you love. Okay?

Me: ( tears streaming down)

Father: come sit next to me,

I got up and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at my father all frail and pale, I then took one of his hands and place one on top of another sandwiching his hand in the middle,

Father: Don't cry, you do not cry, be strong. I'm an old man, there comes a day where I too must leave this place. be strong for me and your mother alright ( coughs coughs coughs) i love you very much my daughter Sasaki Y/N _________________________

Within a few seconds, his body turned cold and nothing was coming out of his mouth I looked at him and my father had already closed his eyes and left this world. I cried softly for a while before letting go of his hand and placing them together on top of his chest and walking out of the room.

Then everyone stood up when I exited the room and looked at me,

Me: My father passed away peacefully at 2.22 pm. prepare a funeral thank you.

I walked out of the room and out of the estate and started running. I ran as far as I could far away from this place and ended up finding myself at the beach, the calming ocean waves crashing in and the birds calling. I looked at the sun in the distance and screamed for my life.

I dashed into the water and started splashing away venting my anger on the water.

Tears fall from my eyes, I'm alone and feel empty.

Then a thunderstorm came in and the waves got heavier and lightning strikes. I got even angrier and sadder and I kept splashing and venting my anger.

Before I could realize the waves were over my head, I looked at it and closed my eyes preparing for what was worst to come, that wave splashed at me and I blacked out in instant . . .

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now