Chapter 9

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Meanwhile in Mondstadt

Jean: There is something I need.

Y/N: Is it another adventure I get to go on?

Jean: technically yes, recently there have been some external wolves that have been around Wolvendom, and Razor has asked for help but we are short on hand. Could you -

Y/N: I'll be glad to take it off your shoulders, Jean.

Jean: Thank you so much. I'll treat you to a meal when you're done with the mission.

Y/N: do you guys still have my room?

Jean: Klee took it but I'm sure she's willing to share it with you

Y/N: No worries, I'll sleep on the tree

Jean: Don't be crazy to come on, I have a spare bed you can crash in my room.

Y/N: Aww thanks

Soon after a few more small talks both girls went back to the city and had some supper and crashed at Jean's room for the night before Y/N has to leave for a mission in the morning.

The next morning Y/N quietly got out of bed and folded everything nicely and headed off to Wolvendom to check out the wolves and after walking around for hours . . .

Y/N: What incarnation is this breed?

She got to work and started killing one by one but she started bleeding straight away after being scratched a few times, using her Cryo element is useless at the moment 5 floating wolves went at her at one go and when she was finally done killing she was covered in blood.

She took her time to walk to Mondstadt upon arriving at the gate someone from behind called out her name, it was Hutao alongside Zhong Li and Ayato.

Hutao: Y/N?

She couldn't utter a word but passed out in the middle of the road the guards quickly carried her to the cathedral to search for Barbara and when Master Jean heard the news she dashed to the cathedral to look for Y/N.

She was then placed in the sick bay with bandages almost everywhere on her body and there stood Hutao, Zhongli, Ayato, and Jean waiting for Barbara to say something.

Barbara: She'll be fine, she just lost quite a lot of blood.

Jean: I shouldn't have let her go alone.

Hutao: This is the first time I see her so wounded.

Jean: Are you guys friends with Y/N as well?

Hutao: Hutao, nice to meet you, I'm the 77th owner of the Wangshu funeral parlor. This is my friend/ assistant Mr. Zhong Li and Y/N's lover, Kamisato Ayato.

Jean: Hello, I'm acting grand master Jean. I still have some paperwork to fill out to I'll leave you guys to-

Y/N: ( eyes started open) what's.. .. going... On .. ( slowly gets up )

Everyone gasped as Y/N woke up suddenly after fainting a while ago.

Jean: Y/N Thank Barbatos you're awake.

Y/N: it's just a scratch, nothing to it. I had a crazy dream, i saw my best friend and Zhong Li and my lover standing in Mondstadt haha ( looks up )

Y/N rubbed her eyes again and again looking at Jean and Barbara and back at the three standing on her right side and leaned toward jean

Y/N: Am I dead? Why do I see someone that I don't want to see here? Why is he here? Slap me.

Jean: You're not dead, your friends are here.

Hutao: You silly girl, we are really here!

Y/N's jaw dropped and hid under the sheets and started thinking to herself again, she thought she is going crazy and then Ayato pulled off the sheets.

Ayato: Y/N we need to talk.

Jean: We'll give you 2 some space.

Jean pushes everyone out of the sick bay and it was just Ayato and Y/N alone

Reader POV

I must be dreaming, Ayato, here in Mondstadt ah I must be crazy.

Ayato: Y/N ...

Me: I don't wanna hear it, get out.

Ayato: Come home, please. ( takes Y/N's Hands )

Me: I don't have a home. I don't belong there.

Ayato: i am your home. Ayaka and Thoma are your home.

Me: I prefer being out here. Freedom exploration is everything I could ever dream of. I don't want to be stuck at the office doing paperwork all day. It's not me! So get out.

Ayato: for fuck sake, Y/N I know you love me! and I know you still do so why are you trying so hard to push me away?!

I looked at it with my eyes widened and started to tear up. unable to utter another word

Ayato: I met your friends by accident and they told me everything. Captain Beidou told me when you travel with her you told her about our stories when we were kids and how much you liked me back then. Kazuha saw that spark when we were kids and Hutao knows everything even Ayaka and Thoma know everything about you having feelings for me.

Me: you don't feel the same I get it, that kiss was a mistake, it was not supposed to happen. Just go back to Inazuma and tell them you failed to bring me home okay, just say I died or something and forget about me.

Ayato: don't you get it?! I love you too and you being stubborn isn't helping out now you know that!? It's not you, I get why you fear going back to Inazuma and I can guarantee you Ayaka and Thoma really wish you were there with them now

Me: you what?

Ayato: There I said okay! I love you Sasaki Y/N I always have I always will! I was just busy denying my feelings because I don't know how to approach them and everyone that knows you and I have met told me you never stopped loving me even though you were not in Inazuma.

Me: i ... -

Ayato then grabs me by the cheeks squishing my face and pulls me in for a kiss on the lips right away without saying another word ... I then wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me. Eventually, he fell on top of me causing me to hit the bed.

We kissed for what felt like hours and when things started to escalate I pulled away.

Me: Uhm... ( blush)

Ayato: come home with me, please.

Me: how about we take a vacation first then I'll decide on going back to Inazuma. 

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now