Chapter 8

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Meanwhile on Ayato's side.

Ayato just arrived in Liyue looking lost and unsure where to go, he went around asking if they have seen a small girl that looks like a ninja but isn't a ninja which then got him nowhere, so he continued to stroll through the city and bumped into Zhongli and Hutao

Zhongli: My apologies for bumping into you.

Ayato: No, I'm sorry for bumping into you, I'm rather lost.

Hutao: You're not from here are you? You're from Inazuma!

Zhongli: Calm down Hutao ...

Ayato: Indeed, I am from Inazuma. uh, any chance do you know Y/N?

Hutao: OH! She's my best friend oh my goodness you just missed her!

Ayato: Where is she?

Zhongli: I'm afraid she has traveled to Mondstadt.

Ayato: Is that far from here?

Zhongli: to travel to Mondstadt you need at least 2 days and you need to stay somewhere for the night to rest. My guess is that Y/N has already arrived in Mondstadt.

Hutao: But you're welcome to stay with us for the night,

Zhongli: Please do, by the way, how may I address you?

Ayato: Kamisato Ayato, head of the Kamisato Clan in Inazuma, Pleasure to meet you.

Ayato was then dragged by Hutao to the wang shun funeral parlor to sit down and have a chat ~

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Meanwhile in Mondstadt.

Aether: Y/N? Is that you?

Y/N: Aether! Paimon!

Aether: What are you doing here in Mondstadt?

Y/N: a holiday that's what I'm here for, come on let's go to the tavern I'll buy you both a drink!

Y/N grabs Aether by the arm and drags him to the tavern upon entering Diluc was on shift and Kaeya and sister Rosaria was half drunk on the countertop.

Y/N: Hey guys!

Everyone: Hey!

Y/N and Aether sat on the counter seats and ordered drinks and Diluc made it personally for them

Diluc: So what brings you to Mondstadt

Y/N: Vacation.

Aether: Y/N, how are things back in Inazuma?

Y/N: Well things are blooming over there. I'm glad to see many travelers traveling there now.

Paimon: Did you amend things with your father Y/N?

Y/N: oh... uh

Kaeya: HEYYY!! Girlee, do I know you from somewhere?

Y/N: Kaeya it's me Y/N.

The door bursts open and everyone turned around to see Jean standing at the door

Jean: Y/N you're back!

Y/N: Word does spread very quickly in Mondstadt even the acting grand master came quickly

Jean: I miss you so much ! ( hugs)

Y/N: Come on let's go for a stroll.

Y/N Bids farewell to the rest of the people in the tavern and heads out with Jean, Jean, and Y/N walk all around the city before exiting the city to visit Jean's favorite spot by the tree and pray to Lady Vanessa. Then both of them settled under the tree and had a good conversation.

Meanwhile in Liyue:

Hutao is telling Ayato everything about Y/N since they are best friends and no doubt Ayato smiled and laughed at everything Hutao said, Zhongli praised Y/N here and there and too did say some unfortunate stuff

Zhongli: when she came to us 2 days back she looked distraught. We aren't sure if it's because of her Father's death but she looked lost.

Ayato: She ran away from us in the middle of the night and no one knew where she went but my sister suggested she might come here to Liyue.

Hutao: Right ... So are you her boyfriend or something?

Ayato: No, haha I'm merely like a big brother to her.

Zhongli & Hutao: I see ...

Zhongli offered Ayato his room and Ayato politely agreed and tried to settle in, during the night Ayato couldn't sleep so he quietly got up and walked out of the parlor and went down to the docks and sat by the edge and admired the view.

He sighed and looked down in the water with his mind being all fuzzy and crazy for coming to Liyue, thinking to himself if he had made the correct decision of coming. What if Y/N doesn't want to see him nor go back to Inazuma, so many thoughts raced through this mind until someone stood behind him and he almost got shocked to see it was Kazuha

Kazuha: Hello Kamisato Ayato. May i?

Ayato: Kazuha, what a pleasant surprise to see you. Sure

Kazuha sits beside Ayato at the edge of the dock and looked at the calm ocean and the glycerin stars above

Kazuha: Is there something wrong?

Ayato: No, I'm just lost in thought

Kazuha: the wind never ceases to amaze me, or the maple leaves fall in Inazuma,

Ayato: What do you mean?

Kazuha: No matter how much the wind howls, the mountain will never bow

Ayato: I still don't get you

Kazuha: You're lost, in terms of love you're confused.

Ayato; I'm not lost, why is everyone telling me that i am lost

Kazuha: Surrender to that feeling Ayato. Time is ticking.

Ayato: I still don't get it.

Kazuha: ( facepalms) You like Y/N for a long time. since you both were kids, its no surprise there

Ayato: I don't know how I feel towards her. it's weird, I only see myself as an older brother to her.

Kazuha: She likes you. Do you know that?

Ayato; no but we did kiss.

From behind ~


Kazuha: Captain Beidou , Kamisato Ayato of the Kamisato Clan

Beidou: I heard of you, Y/N mentioned it to you when she was traveling with me.

Ayato; She did?

Beidou: She said she loved you ever since you were kids, and could not wait to see you after so many years of traveling.

Ayato: .. .. .. (Speechless)

Beidou: I'm sure she will return when the time is right, don't rush. sort out your feelings first before approaching her. I heard from Hutao that she had just lost her father. So she might need more time. 

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now