Chapter 13

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Reader POV

Ayato: Who said I was happy?

Me: Nice to see you again Kamisato Ayato.

I turned around to look at him with his arms folded and his frowning face looking at me.

He then took 2 steps forwards to me and grabbed my wrist and dragged me somewhere quiet to talk

Me: Would you let go? It hurts!

He finally let go when the coast was clear.

Ayato: Do you know how much pain I have been through since your departure?

Me: i-

Ayato: You never wrote back nor came back for months, I thought you were dead, you know how much I have to struggle with you not being around?

Me: i -


I stared at him with tears in his eyes. All these months I was gone, he was busy bottling up his feelings letting everyone know he was alright, and occupied himself with work. I took a leap of faith and lunged towards him and hugged him tightly, placing my ear near his heart to listen.

Me: I know I hurt you and many others, I'm sorry Ayato.

He did not say a word but wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly snuggling his head into my neck

We stayed like this for the longest I could remember and walked back to the Estate to see Kazuha having dinner with Ayaka and Thoma

Ayaka: Y/N! You're back!

Me: Hello everyone, long time no see.

Ayato dragged me to his room and threw me onto the bed causing me to lay flat, he closed the door and climbed on top of me. pinning my hands above my head

Ayato: I'm not letting you leave this time around.

Me: there's something you should know.

He released my hands and I turned into a phoenix right in front of him, his eyes widened as my hands turned into wings of bright red color. He stood there his eyes widened and he fell to the ground kneeling. using his one hand to reach out to me and I spread my wings and let him touch. When he was done mesmerizing my true form I turned back into my normal form and sat at the edge of the bed.

Me: this is my true form, I was not born as a normal human being, I was born as an Adeptus half technically. My father was a general for the shogun hundreds of years ago, and my mother was a phoenix Adeptus looking after Liyue with the others, after she met my birth father they had me but then he died before he could see me and my mother fled to Inazuma to find someone to settle down and there I was born into the Sasaki clan's daughter.

Why I ran away from here is because either way I lose you or I lose myself in all this. After finding out the truth I fled to Liyue and signed a contract to protect Liyue at all costs. That was where I was all these months training and shedding into new forms. I'm sorry if I never had the chance to explain my-

Ayato did not say anything more but pushed his lips against mine and I became so immersed in that kiss I could not help but let him continue kissing me.

After that savory kiss, he breaks it and looks me directly in the eyes and hugged me and he didn't let go.

We ended up falling asleep in each other's arms . . .

The next day i woke up bright and early to see Ayato still sound asleep, I played with his hair admiring his beautiful eyelashes and his hair

Ayato: Good morning Beautiful, Having fun?

I got shocked and jumped right out of bed and got dressed properly before exiting the room to join the others for breakfast. I sat down beside Ayaka and started eating breakfast. Kazuha then reminded me that the ship leaves in the afternoon and told me to get ready by then.

I look at Ayato and his face turned sad as he knew I would not stay for long but he instead kept me company the whole morning before my departure.

Before departing, He handed me a gold ring and slit it to my finger, and look at me

Ayato: Tell me you'll visit again. Or write to me even.

I looked at him with a smile on my face and kissed him on the lips

Me: I will, you can always send me letters to the Wangsheng funeral Parlor I'm always there anyways just write " Hutao do not open " haha

Ayato nodded his head and gave me a smile, I boarded the ship, and Kazuha and I set for Liyue harbor

Ayaka: You wanna work the Long distance Relationship uh Brother.

Ayato: What other choice do I have? She is rather happy where she is now. Come on, we have work to do.






It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now