Alternative Chapter

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In this Alternative Choice Chapter, 10.5 and Wedding Chapter is not applicable, Y/N never found out about her mother's secret nor knew she was born half Adepti, she lived a typical human life


** Flashback **

Y/N: Ahmya , Hiroto, Mako . Thank you all for serving my family for all these years. But I think there comes a time when one has to let go of one's possessions and here's the time I'm letting go of the Sasaki clan. I'm letting Kamisato Ayato of the Kamisato Clan take over things from here. I have no intentions of taking over the role of leader of the Clan since I don't belong here, to begin with, So you may join forces with the Kamisato clan tomorrow onwards and let him know I am no longer coming back to Inazuma after this talk we are having.

Ahmya: I take it back, I want you to lead.

Y/N: no, wait huh?

Ahmya: I was very harsh towards you and it is rather unfair of me to do that to you. I understand that you and your father did not have a compatible relationship but I need to understand from your point of view as well.

Mako: Lady Y/N Will you take over the Clan?

Y/N: I will very much take over. I would like all of you to teach me what my late father has been doing for the past years of being a clan leader, please. ( bows)

** End of Flashback**

From that day forward Y/N has been trained by Ahmya, Hiroto, and Mako on everything there is to know in the Sasaki clan and just within a few months, the Sasaki Clan was back in business, taking in more imports from Liyue and distributing it to the people of Inazuma and eventually took over the Trade industry in Inazuma.

With Y/N being very busy building up her Clan she rarely had the time to visit the Kamisato Clan, even Ayato. but she knew what she was doing and there was no going back on her decision now.

Every 3 months the Tri-commission will have a meeting and Y/N will always be there to attend and to hear out current issues in Inazuma and occasionally be summoned by the Shogun herself.

Ayato tried to approach Y/N a few times but Y/N took a good look at Ayato and walked away attending to other matters leaving Ayato alone.

Ayato POV

Back in the Kamisato Estate.

Thoma: Did you manage to talk to Y/N, my lord?

Me: No, before I could approach her the other commissioners were already surrounding her even when she left I called out to her, she looked at me and walked away.

Thoma: That's unlike her. Is she mad at you?

Me: I don't know... months have already gone by and she's giving me the cold treatment.

Thoma: But you knew this would happen right? You gave her the choice.

Me: Well that choice was invalid!

Thoma looked at Ayato with his eyes widened; he had never seen Ayato this mad before.

Ayaka then enters the room to see Ayato and Thoma standing there in silence.

Ayaka: Is there something wrong?

Thoma: The lord -

Me: Don't start Thoma, It's nothing sister. Everything is fine. Is there something you need?

Ayaka: I was about to tell you Y/N is here.

Y/N enters the room and Thoma and Ayato's eyes widen and look at Y/N standing there.

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now