Chapter 11

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No One's POV

Y/N Set sail for Liyue after that heavy discussion at the Sasaki's clan, She arrived in Liyue the next morning stepping into Liyue she was greeted by Mr. Zhongli.

Zhongli: Welcome back Adepti Y/N

Y/N: I don't suppose Ei has spoken to you already?

Zhongli: no, I just know. shall we head for the mountains?

Y/N: Let's.

They headed off, to the top of Mount Aocang sitting at the stone table Zhongli took out the contract that he and my mother made after my birth father died

Zhongli: This contract is between your mother and me, signed many years ago and I think she would want you to have it now.

Zhongli hands over a scroll to Y/N letting her unravel herself

" To my dearest Y/N,

All these years living in Inazuma have been tough for you and you are not like other kids we did not live in Inazuma we always have been located in Liyue, your father and I met when I was on a trip to Inazuma and that's when we fell in love and had you but your father died during the Archon war and I was devastated so I consider signing the contract with Morax making you and Adepti and when you have come of age you could flee to Liyue on your own.

Knowing this contract ends with you turning legal it would be wise for you to stay in Liyue, and look after the people. I know you have a lot of burning questions but let me reassure you, my child, time will tell and I'm sure you will do great things in your lifetime.

Yours Truly,

Phoenix / Mom ."

Y/N: My mother is the Phoenix?!

Zhongli: Indeed, a very faithful and powerful phoenix.

Y/N: But did my birth father know I was an adepti?

Zhongli: I am not too sure about that, but Your contract of being an Adepti for Liyue is ready for you to sign. Looking after the citizens and the nation will be your biggest duty. Are you ready to take the role?

Y/N: Where do I sign?

Knowing she has to leave everything and everyone she loves in Inazuma she willingly joins forces with Zhongli and the other Adepti to look after Liyue. Y/N Signed the contract and let Zhongli seal the deal. Both of them continued to have tea and enjoyed the scenery a while more before heading back down to the city to have dinner with their friends in Liyue.

Yelan: Welcome back Y/N, How was your trip

Y/N: Ah Yelan, wonderful to see you after so many years, I'm assuming the tea house business is booming?

Yelan: haha you never cease to surprise me Y/N.

Yanfei: So Y/N are you going to be staying here permanently?

Y/N: You betcha!


Yelan: I don't assume you have a job?

Yanfei: ooh! Ooh! She can work with me! I need an assistant!

Yelan: noo, she's more like me she needs the wild adventures

Hutao: No? She can work with me selling coffins and funeral services!

Yun jin: no way, she can be an opera singer

Out of nowhere: I have a better offer to give.

Everyone turned around it was Ningguang

Ningguang: I'll see you tomorrow at 8 am for a meeting how about that Y/N

Y/N: I'll be there.

Ningguang walks off and the rest of us continued eating our dinner

Meanwhile back at the Kamisato Estate

Ayaka: Brother, Mr Ahmya is here.

Ayato: Ahmya what could I do for you at this hour?

Ahmya sat in front of Ayato with despair on his face and let out a sigh before speaking

Ahmya: Y/N has chosen you to lead us to the future... It brings me pain to say this but she chose to let go of all responsibilities of becoming the Head of the clan.

Ayato: Where is Y/N right now?

Ahmya: We all do not know, unfortunately, she said something about heading to Liyue and signing a contract.

** Flashback **

Y/N: Ahmya , Hiroto, Mako . Thank you all for serving my family for all these years. But I think there comes a time when one has to let go of one's possessions and here's the time I'm letting go of the Sasaki clan. I'm letting Kamisato Ayato of the Kamisato Clan take over things from here. I have no intentions of taking over the role of leader of the Clan since I don't belong here, to begin with, So you may join forces with the Kamisato clan tomorrow onwards and let him know I am no longer coming back to Inazuma after this talk we are having.

Ahmya: I take it back, I want you to lead.

Y/N: no, you were right, I wasn't a good fit, to begin with, and I have been disappearing from duties and I decided to head back to Liyue to fulfill my late mother's wishes, So thank you all for guiding and looking after me all these years. I am truly grateful for all of your help ( bows ).

** End of Flashback**

Ahmya: that was what happened yesterday night and she left just like that.

Ayato: I see. If that's what she wants I cannot stop her. you all can take a well-deserved break, for the time being, I will call when I need y'all assistance.

Ahmya: Yes my lord.

Ahmya left the building and it was just Ayaka and Thoma sitting opposite Ayato.

Thoma: Aren't you going after her?

Ayaka: Brother, you know she's out there somewhere and you guys were doing fine for so long why-

Ayato: She has made up her mind, I cannot stop her nor will she listen to me anymore so it's best if I let go.

Ayaka: You've changed brother.

Ayaka stood up and walk away, Thoma did the same as well, leaving Ayato all alone in his office. 

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now