Chapter 10

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Reader POV

We did take a 3-day vacation in Mondstadt and we spent the entire 3 days meeting our other friends like Lisa, Kaeya , Sister Rosaria, Diluc and many more then we moved to Liyue within a day and we arrived in Liyue before the sun sets and we joined Hutao and Zhongli for dinner

Hutao: So is it true that both of you are officially dating??

Ayato: Well, certainly dating right?

Zhongli: So how long do the both of you intend to stay in Liyue?

Me: Maybe 3-4 more days depending on Ayato.

Ayato: 4 days seems a little too much we still have work to be done back in Inazuma it might be a toll on Ayaka

Me: you never take vacations so this is the only chance! ( puppy eyes)

Ayato: alright alright 4 days it is no more

Me: hehe thank you! ( Kiss on the cheek)


Zhongli: indeed adorable.

Out of nowhere Ganyu came up to us and tapped me on the shoulder and i turned around

Me: Ganyu!

Ganyu: Hello Y/N, and friends.

Soon after, Yanfei joined us for dinner, and Xinqiu and Chongyun

XingQiu: it's a rare sight indeed to have the toughest female fighter in Liyue

Ayato: heh?

Me: Don't pay attention to them their talking nonsense " Cut it out ( looks at Xinqiu ) "

Chongyun: well Y/N always went on demon hunting with me and always comes off strong there was one-( muffles)

Me: Don't listen, there's nothing interesting!

Everyone laughed and shared more embarrassing stories when I was around Liyue and I just had to sit there and sulk

At the end of the week, Ayato and I got back to Inazuma and I sighed and got dragged back to the Kamisato estate to my surprise Thoma and Ayaka dropped whatever they were doing and rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.

Ayaka: Thank god you're back, Do not ever run away like that ever again!

Thoma: My Lady Please don't ever run away.

Me: Guys - can- breathe!

Ayaka: Brother you really brought her back

Ayato: If I didn't bring her back, you would have my head chopped off. Now back to business.. Would you excuse me

Ayato then patted my head and walked off, while Ayaka and Thoma dragged me to the tea house to have some hot pot.

After that scrumptious meal, we took our time to go back to the estate since Thoma needed help carrying all the things his buying for no reason at all ...

A week had already gone by really quickly and I was adapting to life again, half the time I'm out training on my own. Sometimes I would bump into Kuki Shinobu on the streets of Inazuma and we would chat or even bump into Sayu the little Ninja who caught her sleeping away once.

And the other half of the time I would be helping Ayato with his paperwork or making a mess for him so he could give me the attention he wants.

That same weekend Ayaka had to visit Watatsumi island for some event and Thoma tagged along so it was just me and Ayato all alone in the estate.

Ayato: Y/N, can we talk?

Me: Oh sure.

Ayato lead me into the garden and we sat opposite each other and were served our dinner when all the staff took off it was just the both of us

Me: You wanted to talk to me about something?

Ayato: it has come to my attention that uhm... the Clan is about to elect someone to replace you. The news has been spreading for a while now and I have yet to tell you because i know-

Me: I know... I heard it when I was in town people looking at me weirdly and thinking I wasn't the right person to take over... even the shrine maidens have whispered quite loudly I am not surprised that you will bring up this conversation.

Ayato; You don't-

Me: If I reclaim the position am I going to lose you? If we were to get married merging our clans will make me lose my title. I can only choose 1 Ayato. To lose you or to lose myself in all of this again.

I got up and walked away.

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now