Chapter 7

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No one's POV

The next morning after Y/N has fled away from Inazuma again Thoma screamed in terror running towards Ayato's room and opening the doors wide

Ayato: What's with the screaming early in the morning?

Thoma: My Lord. ( Passes the letter )

"To My dearest Ayato and friends,

This is my goodbye letter to all of you. Thank you for taking care of me for the past month, I will never forget your generosity towards me. I am indeed sad to write this letter but I'm afraid I have no place here and therefore decided to flee the country once more.

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I do hope you all could forgive my rash act. Please do not come and look for me. I need some time to be alone and consolidate my thoughts ... I wish you all well my friends.

And Ayato I'm truly sorry that I couldn't be the one to be by your side all the way. I'm certain you'll do great things in this life. I love you.

Your's truly ,

Sasaki Y/N ~ "

Ayaka: Is it true? Y/N ran away?

Ayato: Indeed.

Ayaka: Where could she have gone to ... and I never got the chance to spend time with her...

Thoma: I never got the chance to teach her how to use her polearm

Ayato: Did any one of us see anything at night? Question the guards. I want to know exactly what happened.

Thoma: Yes my lord.

Ayaka: Yes brother.

After a whole day of questioning every guard in the Kamisato estate, everyone replied the same thing: no one saw anything at night nor heard anything. It was a dead-end for the 3 of them ... the 3 of them sat in the room trying to figure out where could she have run to at such a time

Ayaka: Brother, didn't she used to say she loved Liyue and would die to go back there to enjoy life?

Ayato: Yes, I remember now, she must have headed for Liyue! Now we have to leave for Liyue.

Thoma: My lord we all can't just go, we have duties here remember?

Ayaka: I'll stay and handle things here, go get her brother.

Ayato: What is that supposed to mean?

Thoma: What my lady here is saying is, we both realize you both are getting really close and you are one step away from being together.

Ayato: I don't love Y/N, I see her as a little sister and I have a duty to take care of her

Ayaka: You don't. You don't see it, Thoma tell him

Thoma: my lord, does your heart flutter when you see her from afar? Or maybe miss her when she goes away? Or even worry for her when she is in danger? Don't you feel all of that?

Ayato: no? Like I said I treat her like a little sister.

Ayaka: AISH! I'm so done with you. Go to Liyue and look for her!

Ayaka storms off and slammed the door shut behind her and Thoma and Ayato looked at each other like what on earth just happened.

Thoma then prepared transport for Ayato to head to Liyue the next morning and so he went.

Meanwhile in Liyue.

In Wangshu funeral parlor,

Hutao: Y/N! You're here!

Zhongli: Ms. Y/N your back from your trip so soon?

Y/N Hello !, sorry to come at such an eruptive timing


Zhongli: Hutao go easy on Y/N. She had a long journey, but looking at your expression Y/N did something happen?

Hutao: Do sit,

Y/N: Uhm yes. Actually, my father passed away recently ... I was rather distressed so I came back here.

Hutao: And you didn't think to call me?!

Zhongli: Hutao, you would have to travel by sea, and even if she could send you a letter the corps would be rotten by then.

Hutao: You have a point Mr. Zhongli.

Y/N: Do any of you know if Ningguang is still here?

Hutao: Last I heard she was on a business trip to Mondstadt but she should be back soon.

Y/N: ah no worries, but hey I'm glad to be back.

Zhongli: shall we all have dinner together?

Hutao: I like your idea Mr. Zhongli! come on let's go!

Hutao then interlock elbow with Y/N and with Zhongli walked behind the 3 of them and headed off to have dinner.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After dinner, Y/N bid goodbye to the both of them and continued her journey to Wangshu inn to stay there for the night

Vergot: Hello, welcome to Wangshu inn

Y/N: Hi hello, I'm staying for the night

Vergot: Here you go, enjoy your stay.

Y/N: By the way is the adepts here?

Vergot: He should be, he just had his dinner.

Y/N: Thank you.

Y/N then settles into her room for the night and headed up to the roof and sat on the edge and looked at the stars above,

Suddenly a dark shadow appeared.

Xiao: I never knew I would bump into you after so long.

Y/N: Hello Xiao, how have you been?

Xiao: it is never good or bad. What you need.

Y/N: I miss your arrogance.

Xiao: Not impressed. I'm still an Adeptus looking after Liyue.

Y/N: Don't be too harsh on Ganyu, please.

Xiao: something's off.

Y/N: Nothing, have a nice night Xiao ( waves)

Y/N got up and left the rooftop and went back to her room 

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now