Chapter 12

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Many many Months have passed and Y/N Has been training and Living in Liyue growing fond of this land for many moons, Adeptus Xiao has been training Y/N, and Y/N took up the job to be Ningguangs personal Spy and works for the Qixing as well.

Life in Liyue wasn't the same for Y/N. She has been experiencing new things and experiencing very weird food cooked by Xiangling when she visits Liyue harbor for lunch or a private meeting. Occasionally she would meet up with Hutao to talk about life and have fun together and most of the time she spent up in Mount Aocang practicing and overlooking Liyue from above.

Reader POV

Me: Traveler!

Aether: Y/N! Hello,

Me: Paimon! How are you guys doing? I haven't seen you both in a while.

Aether: We are doing great thank you for asking.

Me: Oh right, I forgot to tell you Ei was hoping to have a Spar with you sometime soon. I mean it was said to me a long time ago and I didn't know where you were so I could only tell you this now.

Aether: ah i see, Let's head to Inazuma

Paimon: let's see what Ei is up to lately

Aether: we'll catch up soon Y/N! ( being pulled away by Paimon )

I continued to stroll through the streets of Liyue in searching of food and stumbled my way to Xiangling and she made me some spicy chicken yumz , when I was done I paid and thanked her for the meal and headed out once again,

It was my day off I decided to just chill at Yelan's tea house

Yelan: How's the assignment coming along?

Me: It's pretty well, with the tricks you taught me I don't see what could go wrong.

Yelan: I got a letter from Yanfei who's in Inazuma visiting Shinobu, she says everything's so different and she can't wait to come back and tell us about her trip

Me: Oh that's wonderful.

Yelan: Is something wrong? You seem rather down

Me: it's nothing, I just remembered there are people that I miss back in Inazuma

Yelan: my my, Adeptus Y/N

Me: What I am still half human you know that pshh , come on let's go

Yelan and I packed up and left for the jade chamber when we got there Ningguang gave us another assignment and I was sent to Inazuma out of nowhere I agreed and boarded Beidou's ship at midnight.

We set sail and arrived in Ritou, Inazuma the next morning I waved goodbye to Beidou and the crew and got off to be greeted by Kazuha

Kazuha: Y/N so wonderful to see you again, like the maple leaves in the wind.

Me: Still don't get you, but thank you for fetching me.

Kazuha: Always a pleasure for an old friend

Kazuha led me to the station to get my pass checked and from there we roamed around the city for a bit before heading to the city.

I looked at Kazuha and he looked at me as though he was reading my mind.

Kazuha: Don't worry, I didn't tell a soul that you were coming back for work.

Me: Thank you ...

We roamed the city a bit more before making our way to the Sakura tree and yes I had a meeting with Lady Yae Miko.

Yae Miko: My my isn't it the ex Sasaki's Clan Daughter? Hmm hmm, I'm in luck today.

Me: Miko, we both know why I'm here so let's get straight to business.

Kazuha waited for me at the bottom of the shrine while Miko and I discussed business between Liyue and Inazuma, and at the end of the meeting, she handed me a bag of sea Ganoderma and told me to hand it over to Ganyu since she wasn't able to accompany me on this trip. I nodded my head stood up said our goodbyes and left

Kazuha led me down the Shrine and we somehow talked and walked to the Kamisato estate and I looked outside. Everything was still the same, the guards and the flowers were all the same.

Kazuha: If you want, we can always head in, you know.

Me; Nah, I'm sure he's happily married and having the time of his life being the leader of the clan.

From Behind(Ayato): Who said I was happy?

I froze up at the sound of that voice, I slowly turned around and saw Ayato standing there with his arms crossed. I gulped down whatever I had left in me and took a deep breath.

                                               Me: Nice to see you again Kamisato Ayato. 

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now