Chapter 4

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Reader POV

Previously ~

Kamisato Ayato: I thought you said you were going home?

Me: I am home!

Kamisato Ayato: A tree is not a home.


Me: go home violet grass, this is dangerous.

I looked down once more and Ayato started climbing up the tree, he sat on the brunch and looked at me in the eyes,

Ayato: So will you admit that you have no home now?

Me: Okay, there are a few things I didn't tell you,

Ayato: Okay, tell me.

Me: when I departed from Inazuma after my mother died and ran away from my responsibilities, I sorta sold my belongings to get some cash and traveled to Liyue with that mora and went there to invest with Ningguang and I worked for her over the years ... so technically I do not have a home here since I left and ran away and selling my stuff ...

Ayato: silly girl. . . why didn't you tell me ... you know there is always more room in the Kamisato Clan for you, you're not a stranger to the people there you know. ( ruffles head )

Me: I don't want to be a burden for you all and you guys have already done so much for me ... and I know I'm not good at doing paperwork and will never be a leader ... maybe I should give up and move back to Liyue ( lowers head)

Ayato: look at me

I turned my head and looked at his lavender eyes staring back at mine, using his one hand to cup my cheeks so I wouldn't turn away

Ayato: We have known each since we were kids, there is no such thing as being a burden. understood?

I couldn't say a word but I just nodded my head in response, he then wrap his arm around my waist and jumped off the tree with me, landed on our 2 feet he dragged me back to the Kamisato estate and we were greeted by Thoma who was anxiously waiting for ayato's return

Thoma: My lord, it's late. where have you been

Ayato: Thoma, prepare a room for Y/N, she will be staying with us permanently and of no circumstance, she is allowed to leave at night without me knowing or with her. do inform the guards about that as well

Me: Now you're making me feel like a prisoner

Thoma: don't take it that way Y/N, just take it as you are -

Ayato: what Thoma meant to say was, take it as your home, and don't forget we made an agreement.

Me: right...

Ayato: Go get ready for bed, I'll see you in the morning.

Ayato POV in Ayato's room

Thoma: My lord,

Me: I know what you wanted to ask

Thoma: you do?

Me: she told me, she sold her stuff and she fled to Liyue.

Thoma: oh

Me: therefore I'm taking her in,

Thoma: my lord, any chance .. do you like-

Me: no ... not in any romantic way.

Thoma: Okay...

Thoma left my room and I was sitting behind the pile of paperwork that needed to be signed I sighed and looked out the window to see the stars shining brightly and let out another sighed and decided to sleep.

Reader POV

The next morning,

I woke up really early and even before anyone else, so I decided to slip out of the estate and use the back area as a training ground. I picked up my pole arm and started swirling it around. What I didn't know is that Ayato was already awake.

I continued to swing until I turned around and there Ayayo was leaning against the rock.

Me: Geezus shit! You scared me Ayato!

Ayato: My apologies, I was wondering where you were seeking off to in the morning.

Me: I just wanted to let some steam , there isn't much I can do in the estate besides watching you and Ayaka do your duties and Thoma with the housekeeping that's all

Ayato: Sakura...

Me: stop calling me that it has been 10 years, 10 years I heard that and it brings me much pain

Ayato: My apologies, how is your hand?

Me: Much better thank you, I can finally swing the polearm.

All of a sudden a guard from the Sasaki Clan came running in our direction and bowed slightly

Guard: Lady Sasaki your father is in critical condition, you have to see him now

Me: wasn't he fine a few days ago?

Guard: we already called the doctor.

Me: I'm no-

Ayato: we'll go,

Guard: I'll inform your father. ( bowed )

After the guard walked a certain distance and it was just the 2 of us again I looked at Ayato with fury in my eyes, I kept the polearm and walked away

Ayato: Where are you going

Me: Far away, or maybe even back to Liyue where I truly belong! Who cares!

Ayato: Don't be childish, he's still your father, after all , come on I'll come with

Me: No!

I continued to walk further away from Ayato and walked into the Kamisato estate and into my room and bumping into Thoma on the way as well and to be greeted by him but I ignored and slammed the doors shut not wanting anyone to come in or near me.

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now