Chapter 6

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No One's Pov

Ayato: How is she, Thoma?

Thoma: According to the doctor she isn't doing great, due to the rain and much sea water intake it might take her a while to recover, it might be a miracle for her to wake up now but-

Ayaka; Brother, look

Ayato turned in Ayaka's direction and saw Y/N's hand twitch a little and there was some eyelid movement

Thoma: I'll go prepare some tea and food.

Ayato rushed to be with Y/N and sat next to her on the futon, holding one of her hands in his and feeling her warmth,

Ayaka: I'll go inform the Sasaki clan people that their Hier is awakening

Ayato: please do, sister.

Ayaka left the room and there it was just Ayato and Y/N lying there.

Ayato: please be alright, I need you, please...

As Y/N slowly opened her eyes in a daze she looked around the room and saw Ayato sitting beside her holding her hand, moving her hand away from him Ayato flinched and looked up at Y/N to see her awake

Ayato immediately hugged Y/N giving her shock but hugged him back anyways

Ayato: Thank god you're alright, I thought I lost you.

Y/N: uhh? What happened?

Thoma then came in with the Tea and some food

Thoma: You were found floating at sea, the fishermen found you during the storm and Ayato was drenched in the storm while he was looking for-


Everyone looked at Ayato in shock that this was the first time he had raised his voice at someone close to him. Y/N then let out a small smile and lowered her head with tears filling her eyes, Ayato softened his look and hugged Y/N close to his chest

Ayato: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scold you i just-

Y/N: I understand, I didn't mean to .. ..... I didn't know what was I thinking

Ayato: don't ever do that again, please...

They hugged each other and stayed like that for a while before letting go of each other, Ayato then helped Y/N get up and walked to the garden and stood under the shelter for a while, and sat on the bench and Y/N had her head resting his shoulder with her left hand under his hand interlocked.

Thoma stood afar and just in time Ayaka came back

Ayaka: Thoma, what are you doing here?

Thoma: shus my lady, they're having a moment

Ayaka: oh , how lovely, come on let's go to the tea house we have to pick up more tea

Thoma and Ayaka left the estate and there was just Ayato and Y/N

They stared at the flowers and the scenery a while and Y/N looked up at Ayato's perfect face and smiled softly, Ayato took notice that Y/N was looking at him and he turned his head slightly towards her and place his forehead against hers and looked deeply into her eyes and leaned in and kissed her soft lips

Y/N closed her eyes and kissed Ayato back, after a few seconds Y/N broke away from Ayato's lips and looked at him with her face blushing red, Ayato stared into Y/N's eyes and is in Awe

Y/N: I'm sorry .. .. .. that wasn't intentional!

Ayato: I'm the one who should be sorry. Come on let's get you back inside to rest.

Y/N: how long was I asleep?

Ayato: 2 days?

Y/N: My father's funeral?!

Ayato: I have already sent regards to the Sasaki Clan members, they understand your situation and wish you to get well first, your father's funeral is held for 5 days. if you feeling better we can visit.

Y/N: let's go.

Ayato then helped Y/N into the estate and lend her his clothes that are all in white while Y/N buns up her hair. when she was done getting dressed Y/n stepped out of Ayato's room looking so beautiful in white making Ayato in awe again

Ayato grabbed onto Y/N's hand and let her back to Sasaki's estate.

Y/N and Ayato stood outside the estate and were greeted by the guards and let them in, Ayato then swapped from holding hands to interlocking elbows for more support and walked together with Y/N

As they both walked toward the casket Y/N kneeled down in front of her father's photo and lowered her head. After doing so she sat on an empty chair beside Ayato to mourn her late father...

Reader POV

After a week my father passed away, and I was still living with Ayato and his family. But most of the time I'm hiding in my room refusing to step out, Ayato usually spends his day doing his work and occasionally will come in to check on me which by then I would be faking my sleep so he wouldn't engage in any conversation with me

I know it's rather selfish of me but I am lost in everything, who am I kidding, I don't belong here.

So I decided to move back to Liyue, so when nightfall came ...

I waited for everyone to fall asleep and when the coast was clear I snuck out like a ninja avoiding all guards and jumped over the high wall of the estate. Before I jumped off I took a good look at the place one more time and shook my head and left.

I ran to the harbor and got on a boat and hid and traveled away . . . 

It was you all along, Kamisato AyatoWhere stories live. Discover now