Chapter nine

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Chapter 9- save me

I feel these butterflies in my stomach. I guess I can't wait for the evening and to kiss Connor.

James takes my hand: "Are you ready?"

"I am!", I say and we walk in. I feel safe with James by my side. I can always ask him stuff, without him judging me. I know he has the best intention and is always there for me.

We greet Luna and Tris with a hug.

"I'll get us some drinks!", James whispers into my ear and walks away.

"You look amazing, sweetie!", Lu says.

"James helped me pick it up!"

"Uhhhh. Guess I have to ask him for some fashion advice too!" , she says and I laugh.

"So he gave you fashion advice, how about love advice?", a smile forms on her face.

"He is helpful and very caring and sympathetic"

"I knew this was a great idea!", Tris smiles. Luna and I smile at each other, we both know that he may have been the reason for the idea, but not the one who intended it, James was the one with the idea, and Luna the one to suggest it to me. Connor and I haven't gotten closer, yet, but who knows what this evening will bring. My lips are already tingling.

"Here", James brought us some drinks, he puts his hand on my back.

"So you turned into a fashion guru?", Luna ask him.

He laughs: "I guess. But Cara looks stunning in everything!"

I blush. He is the sweetest.

"Always a charmer. But he is right!", Lu says.

"There is Connor! Ask him if he wants to dance!", James whispers in my ear and it tingles.

"But isn't it weird, if I dance with him and not with you?", I say, considering that James is the one who took me to this party as a date.

"No, just say I don't want to dance!"

"Alright!", seems logical to me. I better trust James more than myself, when we talk about dating related things.

I am realizing that I am a bit nervous. I take a big sip from my drink: "Let's go!" I crack with my knuckles. Why do I always have to do this?

"Hey Con!", I say, walking up to him.

"Hey Cara! Nice to see you! You look good", the blue eyed boy says to me.

"Thanks! You too", I put my hair strain behind my ear. He wears ripped skinny jeans and a band tee, all black. Hot as always.

"Condor!", someone shouts and walks up to him.

"Sorry. I'll be right back", the bassist turns to the other person, so I decide to go back to the others.

"So what happened?", James asks.

"He said I look good, but before I could ask him to dance, we got interrupted by a friend of him"

"So, go and try it again", James says and pushes me in Con's direction.
"But...", before I can say anything the bassist's eyes look into mine.

"Hey Cara, sorry you wanted to say something, right?", he asks me.

"May you want to dance?", I say insecure.

"Thanks for asking, but actually I think I am not drunk enough yet!"

"Right! Same!", I say and look away, finishing my drink.

"So", Con hands me another cup and we both chug it: "To drunk dancing!"

"To drunk dancing!"

I decide to go back to James, Tris and Luna, because I don't know what to talk to him.

"What are you doing here?", James says when I came back: "Shouldn't you dance with Con?"

"I-I asked him, but he isn't hasn't gotten to the right level of drunk yet", I say.

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