chapter fifteen

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Chapter 15 - pick me up 

James and that last kiss we had a few days ago still plays in my mind rent free. I didn't know he could kiss like that. Well, maybe those were the skills he talked about.

I try to do my homework, but I can't focus. My head turns to the left and I look into Connor's room. He is playing the guitar.

"Are you playing high hopes on the guitar now?", I text him.

"Yeah, on the guitar, got tired of my bass"

"Are you trying to replace James? XD"
"No haha. I never could."

I am excited. We text. That's progress, right?

"Oh, cool!"

I take a deep breath and type. "I have to do some homework for tomorrow, but I could come over, like you said, to meet Rex and Rocky. You could even teach me how to play the song on the guitar. James said I am a quick learner."

"Sure, any other day is fine, but I still have to eat something, before I go out with some friends tonight"

My heart drops. So close, but yet so far.

"But you can come with, if you want", he texts me back what feels like an eternity later.

"Sure :)", I text him back immediately, jump off my chair and jump around in my room. I am going out with Con tonight! And his friends. But maybe I get the chance to get closer to him, now that James won't be there.

James! Right! I have to text him!

"Have fun princess, x", he texts me back, after I send him a voice memo.

After I finished my homework - I barely couldn't concentrate, because I was way too excited - I decided to take a quick shower and get ready. I put one some make-up and wear skinny ripped jeans, a crop top and a flannel.

I feel the excitement rushing through my body. A last check in the mirror and I am ready to go. Con waits outside of my house at the time we planned and we hug as a welcome.

He looks good as always. I can't believe we actually do this. Going on a date. Well, not a date, but going out with his friends. Just him and I. No band. No James.

We start the conversation with small talk. He asked how my day was and we ended up talking about the boys and the band.

"And how is it going with James?", the bassist with the stunning blue eyes asks me.

"Good", I say.

"So, it's serious?", he asks. Apparently the boys don't talk about that kind of stuff. Or James never mentioned me. Is this a good or bad sign?

"He is one of a kind, but we don't stress ourself putting a label on it. We just go with the flow", I try to stick to the truth as much as possible. If I would say we date and are together, Con probably thinks I am off the market. If James and I are just friends, it would be unbelievable and the cute guy next to me will assume I'm a girl who stays in the friendzone.

"Sounds chill. Some things take time. Why rush anything? But, you two look very cute together", he says.


"I invited him too, but he said he can't"

"Yeah, right. He has to study a lot right now. He has one exams and a presentation in the next two weeks and he's applying for this job in this music store, where he has a job interview soon", I explained to him. He told me that the other day.

"I didn't know that", Con says.

"I thought he told you boys"

"You didn't label your relationship, but it would make sense that he tells you that kind of stuff and not us, if you're two a real couple. I mean it seems serious, but that's a converstion you should with him and not me"

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