Chapter nineteen

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Chapter 19  - break up with me

"So it's working", James says as we sit on the sofa of the practice room, as I told him what happened Connor.

"It is, I guess!"

"Amazing!", his eyes light up and he smiles.

"Yeah!", I say. Hanging out with Con seem to not give me just a good time, but made Con to somehow tell me that he would have asked me out on a date if James wasn't there.

"I hope you'll continue giving me guitar lessons!", I tell the guitarist.

"Guitar lessons are what you want?", he seemed surprised.

"Yes, why?"

"I thought about something else", James comes close and kisses me. My body gets all hot.

"Get a room!", Brad says and I blush with a smile.

I smile.

"So see you tomorrow honey!"

"Yes, Rockstar!"

James smiles. I started to give him nicknames too and he seems to like it. And I like that he likes it.

Luna and I decide to have a little girls night, so after the band rehearsal we drive to her house.

"Luna, did you ever have feelings for James?", I ask her as we put on our face masks in her bathroom.

"For James? I mean I liked him and felt some tingling when we kissed, but I never really had a crush on him. I always had Tris in my sight? Why do you ask?"

"I was just asking", as I look into the mirror, thinking about James and the dream I had about him and how I can't stop thinking about him.

"Okay", her eyebrows raise "But how is it going with Con? You told me you two hung out alone"

"He said that if I James wouldn't have asked me on a date, he would"

"Oh wow and what did you responded?"


"Just Oh?"

"What should I have said in your opinion?"

"That you feel flattered and every girl can be lucky to have him. Maybe even flirt a little"

"It was so awkward. He thinks that James and I are really together and in love"

"That's actually good! Means you are dating material. That was the whole point!"

"Well, it would be cute if I actually would be dating material and this whole relationship wouldn't be fake", I tell her.

"You're overthinking again. A real relationship isn't that different, only that the feelings are more intense and that your body is attracted to a person and you wanna be close and can't stop thinking about the person"

I smile when I think of James, but there's a frown a second later on my face. I guess James and I's fake relationship is coming to an end.

"But that's great! The plan worked!", Luna says to hype me up, as she sees the look on my face.

"I guess!", but why don't I feel so excited about it, as I thought I would.

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