Chapter twentytwo

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Chapter 22 - leave me

more than this x last first kiss

I look out of my window and start to smile as I see his car arriving. I am happy to see him again, but I am sad that this will be our last date. There's this knot in my stomach. This anxiety, that James and I's relationship will change, after we "break up". He became my best friend in the past months and I don't wanna miss him.

Over my black skirt and sweater, I wear my favorite jacket and knee high boots as I walk outside. James looks handsome in his button down shirt, with a few buttons open, black skinny jeans and nice shoes. We do look cute as a couple.

"Hey Cara", he aspirates and hugs me with a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Hey James", I hug him tightly.

The man with the light brown hair opens the door of his car for me: "There you go!"

"Thank you", I smile.

I look at him from the side.

"What?", he asks when he noticed me staring at him.

"Nothing", I don't have to tell him how good he looks today, he knows that. But this may be the last time sitting in the car pretending to be couple. I realize I get sad again. I really have to focus on the positive thing, like Luna said. I finally can go out with Con. I am not losing James, I am gaining experience.


"Still a gentleman until the last date", I smile as he let me sit down on my chair at our table.

"Of course. I will treat you like you deserve to be treated", James softly rubs my shoulder and walks around the table. He smiles at me and I still feel the warmth of his hand on my shoulder. After he sat down, the waitress was already waiting for us to ordered our drinks.

"So, James. I have to thank you! I can't believe that Con somehow said he would be interested in me if we wouldn't be dating. I mean, he still has to ask me on an actual date. But it's insane that this worked and even though this whole dating thing was just fake, I really enjoyed hanging out with you!"

"Me too! And I am glad I could help and I feel it in my gut, that Connor will ask you out on a date soon. So don't worry!"

Suddenly we both don't know what to say. Oh, no is it already getting awkward between us?

The waitress brings our drinks and we order food.

James is the first to find his voice again: "You know if you need anything, tips, or someone who brings you home when you are drunk and Con can't drive, you can still call me!", James smiles and looks onto the table.

"That means a lot! When I first heard about this I thought that you were joking. That Luna, Tris and you were pranking me and making up this story as this weird welcome prank, but now I am very glad I tried it and got out of my comfort zone, so fast"

"You seem more confident than when I first met you!", the guitarist leans forward and takes my hand. Maybe I am wrong, but he seems very touchy today.

"Thanks to you! You are really one of a kind James!", I say caressing his hand with my fingers. This feels good.

"I got you something", James says, reaching into the pocket of his jacket and handing me a little box.

"Awww, really? You wouldn't have to!", I say.

I opened the box and see a necklace with my name in it.

"Wow! It's beautiful!"

"Did you know that Cara can mean friend, darling, beloved, dear or love?"
So, Cara my Darling", James gets up, takes the necklace and puts it around my neck "I hope we will stay friends, so I bought you this necklace!"

"James, you shouldn't have got me anything! You gave me enough!"

"I am just giving you, what you deserve!", he sits down again.

"I-I am speechless. I don't know what to say! You did so much for me, you picked up when I called, you answered all my silly questions, you picked me up, you let me sleep over when I was drunk", I look into his green eyes and almost teared up: "Thank you so much!"

"Your welcome, sweetheart!", he says smiling.

"How am I ever supposed to give you back, for real?", I ask.

"Our friendship means enough", and the beautiful smile of his lights up the whole room.

"You are crazy McVey! But amazing! Whatever girl is going to be your real girlfriend one day, she will be the luckiest girl in the world, if you just half treat her like you treated me!"

"That's sweet!"

Our food comes and we eat, we change the topic. He makes me laugh like he always does and we reminisce about the time we had spent together.

James reaches for his wallet to pay the bill: "One last time"

"Well the date is over. I guess now we're friends, officially at least. To be honest James, I see this with one laughing and one crying eye I guess"

"I know this seems like an end", the singer takes my hand: "But I will stick around! Just text me if you need anything. I am still there for you. You could see me as your personal dating advisor"

I laugh: "Of course, I'll definitely going to reach out to you soon"

We both get up: "You are not gonna get rid of me so easily", I say, hugging James tightly as he gives me a kiss on the forehead. James helps me into my jacket and of course he has to make sure I get home safe, so he drives to my house. The way home, I am way too sentimental, and feel like I could cry, but I try to put a smile on.

"James, I already miss you!", I say, after he parked the car in front of my house.

"We'll see each other soon!", the young man strokes my arm with his hand. Trying to comfort me, like he always does. 

"Well, it won't be the same!", I say.

He takesa deep breath, making me think he will say something, but there's just a weak "Goodnight", coming out of his mouth.


I get out of the car and walk to the front door. I wish he would get out one last time and kisses me like he means it. I turn around. I smile, he waited, waves and drives away. He waited until I was safe at home, even on the last few steps, even on this last fake date. What a man!

Back in my room I let myself fall onto my bed with a sigh. I open up my laptop. My emotions are going crazy right now. Why am I so sad?

I click on a folder with a document saying "memories". It's like a digital diary, where I write down all my thoughts and important events. As I undress and remove my make-up, I decide to write down what happened today. Trying to sort out my thoughts

As I skip through the pages, I stop at this little entry I wrote, very early on after I met James.

It seems like a silly little unimportant day. James and I were sitting in the car, he made a playlist with all of his favorite songs and we were just laughing. I can't even remember about what, I just remember how hilarious it was, that I couldn't stop laughing.

He was singing in the car and I was so happy, because he was happy. I saw how passionate he was about music, playing, singing and thought to myself that I am so grateful he is sharing all that with me.

But it's time for new memories! Who knows in a few weeks this will be full with cute dates with Connor, hopefully. 

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