chapter fourteen

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Chapter 14 - kiss me like you mean it

I stand in front of my mirror. What should I wear? We meet up with Lu and the others, so Con will be there too.

What would Con like? Or maybe I should think about what James would like.

Well he said better underdressed than overdressed, but for the party he prefered the dress over the skirt.

I decide to wear the dress, but dress it down, with some chunky boots, black tights, a flannel and some jewelry.

"I like your outfit!", my fake boyfriend says, as we meet in front of the bar.

"Thanks", I guess if James likes my outfit, Connor will like it too.

"Ready?" James takes my hand as we walk in. I am a bit nervous. What will Con say? When will we hang out? Should I ask him? Probably not. I don't wanna force anything. I will stay spontaneous, like James advised me.

"Hey guys!", we greet the others.

"I love that dress Cara!", Luna says as we hug.

"You do look very cute today!", James whispers in my ear and I blush.

We sit down at one of the tables in this pub, while Tris and Con play billiard, James gets us some drinks and sits down next to us.

"My favorite drink!", I say as he hands me the drink.

"Of course!"

"I didn't think you'd remembered that!"

"How could I not remember it? You are my darling", James says and I blush. He's so cute!

"Stop it James, you know how fast I blush!"

"Come on Cara, you are adorable!", he says, putting his hand around my waist and here I am blushing even more. I swear this boy drives me crazy.

"Now, excuse me!", he says and walks to the restroom.

"You two are really cute together!", Luna says: "If I wouldn't know that you are fake dating, I would really think you are in a happy relationship!"

I smile. I am happy in this relationship we have, fake or not.

Con walks to the bar and I decide to walk up to him, now that he is alone. I gotta take my shot and get to know him better, right? "I got this!", I say to myself.

"Hey Cara!", Connor says, as I walk up to him.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I am good and you"

"Great. I heard you playing the bass yesterday!"

"Yeah, I was trying to play high hopes by panic at the disco!"

"I love that song! James teached me to play the guitar the other day"

"And is he a great teacher?", Con asks.

"He is the best", I look at him and winked at me while talking to Brad.

"But tell me more about you! So, when did you start to play the bass?", I ask him. James told me to ask a lot of questions. Apparently people like to talk about themselves, no matter if they are female or male. He also suggested talking about topics like music and the band, family, friends and hobbies. Not to forget that I should keep eye contact. Which isn't easy, because I get lost in his eyes so fast and forget what we're talking about.

"I started to play the guitar when I was twelve, and started playing bass guitar at the same time"

"So the same age as James!"


"I was born in Aberdeen and I have a younger brother and two step brothers"


"I am used to be around three boys"

I laugh and keep the conversation going: "James told me you have bearded dragons"

"Exactly. Rex and Roxy. They are like my babies"

"That's so cool! I never met anyone with pets like that!"

"I hear this very often. If I would get a pound everytime someone says that, I probably be rich by now"

I laugh.

"You can come over anytime, and I can show them to you!"

"Yeah, I'd love to meet them!"

I look at my fake boyfriend. He laughs at one of Tristan's jokes. There it is, the smile of his with the cute dimples. What a beautiful, handsome young man. He looks at me, still smiling.

I am so lucky to him him by my side, on this weird journey called - how to get my neighbor to like me -:"I better go back to James now"

I decide to sit down next to James again, he puts his hand around me. He comes close to my ear: "Had a good talk?"

I nod and smile.

"I am very proud of you", he whispers and gives me a short peck on the cheek.

"Come on, that was a kiss I would give my grandma! Give her a good smooch!", Brad says: "I wanna see more. Give the lady the love she deserves"

"Alright! He's right.", James says, looks at me, licks his lips and comes closer. He puts his hand on my cheek and his soft lips land on mine, he presses them against mine, we move our lips, he opens his mouth and his tongue slowly slides into mine. I close my eyes and James pulls me even closer with his hand. My stomach fills up with butterflies. He is such a good kisser. I get hot and cold at the same time. James unlocks his lips from mine and I look into the green of James' eyes.

"That's what I am talking about!", Brad 's voice brings me back to reality.

Wow. This was amazing! Maybe I really should kiss James more often.

I bite my lip. This kiss was so good. I wanna kiss him again. Well technically I could, because we are together, but what would he say?

James smiles at me. The young man with the light brown hair runs his finger through his hair and whispers in my ear if I am alright. Am I? Automatically I nod, looking into his face. Is he blushing too or am I going crazy?

My body temperature definitely increased, over the last minute, so I take a big sip of my and look down, hoping nobody sees how red I am.

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