Chapter 8| A new friend

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"Omarrrrrrrrr" i yelled slamming close the door to the fridge with a loud bang.

"I did not touch your pizza!" He immediately yelled back from the seating room.

Oh wow!. I haven't even mentioned anything!. I rushed out of the kitchen and into the seating room where Omar voice came from.

"Omarrrrrrrrr!" I called out. He was no where in sight, I narrowed my gaze around trying to figure out where he was. He seemed to be hiding well this time so I stood very still waiting for him to rat himself out.

Soon enough, I saw the top of his black head peeping out from a white couch to see if I had gone. Oh good. The perfect place to skin and bury him. I moved ever so slowly and quietly towards the opposite side of the couch.

Omar's butt was raised towards me, he was down on all fours peeping towards the other side.

The first thing I did was to kick his ass with my leg and it made him jump in shock.

"You eh!" I exclaimed jumping on the boy, "you ate my pizza and still dropped the box in the fridge!...." I sat on his back and punched his shoulder.

He yelled in pain playfully, "Aunty Ree, Sorry. It was my evil twin that made me do it. Ah my uniform! It's going to get dirty!."

"Serves you right" I punched him in all the places my hand could reach until we were both laughing.

"I feel as if you're giving me massage with your tiny fist" Omar said amidst giggling.

"Ehn ehnn!" I punched him harder. It still won't hurt him but still.

"A little bit lower!. Yeah! That's the stuff, you should open a spa girl!. Hey! Can I come to Sandra's party?" He turned his face towards mine and did a puppy face. 

"Nooooooooo!. You're not in SS 3 kid" I said getting off him and arranging my skirt, "And I guess she's afraid you'll wreck it. Remember this 'I'd love to fight with a stranger at night'."

"She wasn't here when I said it. Did you tell herrrr" he got up too, "Ah ah. I won't fight I promise. But it's not even at night and I wouldn't ruin a party, I'm a cultured man!."

"Yeah right!, You're not even wearing a tie!. I'll make sure to punish you on the assembly."

"Hey dudes!."

"Levi?" Omar and I both spun around. Our mouths dropped almost at the same time. Levi was standing few feet away from us, but more importantly, he was dressed in cleverly high school uniform. Coal black trousers, snow white T shirt and a black blazer and knotted black tie.

"You''re coming to Cleverly high?" I stuttered.

"If this is the uniform then yes, I'm going with you guys" he answered.

"Wait wait. What class are you going to be in?" Omar seemed excited.

"Uhhh...S S 3" he said slowly.

Omar said with a loud laugh, "You're going to be in Ree's classss?. Oh my gosh! For a second I thought I'd be mine. Meet your head girl! Meet your senior Ree" Omar was laughing stupidly and hailing me sarcastically.

Loud click clank steps on the steps alerted us about someone approaching, Lila's voice sounded, "Levi, wir möchten gehen" she said in German.

Show off!. Hmm.

"No. I want to take the bus with them" Levi whined.

"Just let me drop you off on my way to work, it's safer than taking the bus."

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