Chapter 17| A kiss in the mall

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"Lila," I ran down the stairs in a hurry calling after Lila, "Can I go with you to the supermarket?" I asked breathing hard from exhaustion and fanning the imaginary sweat on my neck.

"Oh" Lila's hand left the door knob and she turned around, she was clad in a long yellow gown with flowery pattern, and had her braids packed in a pony tail, "You want to come with me?. Hmm why?"

"Nothing much this weekend seems it might be boring and I just want to stay in a place that will take my mind off things. And your supermarket is just the place, there's so many pretty things around it'll kill my teenage depression" I said my much rehearsed lines perfectly.

Lila seemed pleased about the supermarket compliment and her face cracked into a little smile, "Okay then."

"Because Ludwig is going to be there?" A voice asked. I turned to see Levi standing near the kitchen door with a banana peel in his hand. He was class in white trousers and a blue shirt.

"Stop being silly. I just don't want to stay at home."

"If she wants to come along I have to let her. And stop this nonsense about Ludwig I already told you he has changed" Levi groaned as she said it.

Which remind me, I still haven't been told what exactly he did.

"Ree, you're going because Ludwig is going to be there."

So what!.

"Is Ludwig going to be there?" I asked with an eye roll, "Let's go Lila."

"Fine, I'll come too. I don't want to be bored at home too."

Lila was pleased, "Sure, it'll be fun to have you two around."

I do not want Levi to come along, he will definitely chase Ludwig away, "What about Omar?. You stay with Omar!. Let's go we are getting late" I stated hurriedly shuffling Lila outside.

Levi came after us before we reached her car, "He said he was going to meet Cayden today. Guess I'm free," he opened the car door and got in.

I mentally growled and got in too, "You could go along with him."

"No. I'm good."

"Have you even had your bath?" Lila called to Kevin to open the gate.

"No!" He yawned and rest back. I was in the front seat beside Lila so I turned my face back to look at him.

"Just so you know you stink and girls don't like boys that stink. You will just chase away the pretty girls at the supermarket" I explained to him slowly.

He raised up one eye brow, "First, I never reek, I'm always as fresh and as a cucumber. Two, I'm not looking to attract any girls."

His mind was made up, there was no going back especially now that Lila had drove out of the big blue gate and into the streets, she drove past kelvin who had his head down.

Purple bloom isn't really a supermarket, it's more like a mall!. Yes it's a mall but supermarket has just been stuck to my head since the first floor was the supermarket.

"This parking lot just keeps bringing back memories" Lila said as she pulled up and checked around, maybe for the security guards.

"I've long forgotten!. You should too and move on!" I said.

"What happened?" Levi asked.

"There were huge guys, dimwits all the them!. They attacked Ree!."

"What?" I rolled my eyes at how loud he exclamated, for goodness sake that's pass.

A kiss for Ree ✔️Where stories live. Discover now