Chapter 12|Sick

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Announcement: the above picture is a poem that I wrote and posted on my IG. Dear readers do well to check it and give me a follow. @author Hykmarht on Instagram.

I woke up feeling out of sort and pallid. I was only able to inhaled and exhaled in shallow gasps, like I was languid. I was peaked from head to toe, as if part of my soul had been sucked out of me and all that was left was a minuscule portion hardly enough to fuel my existence.

My alarm clock had gone off long ago but I couldn't lift a single bone in my body talk less of visiting my bathroom for a bath. All I wanted to do was lay there under my covers. I think my Ree Ree powers are gone.

My insides was boiling as if a sensation of heat had build up in me, internally I felt very sultry and feverish but externally I felt very cold and freezing. 

I'm sick!. I groaned managing to switch sides on the bed, gosh I haven't even prayed subhi, I began to cry. My head was hurting, I felt weak and restless and helpless.

What if I die?. I sobbed silently, harder. Tears streamed down unto my pillow. Will I go to hell?. Will I go to even?. Do I have ongoing charity that'll favour me?. I don't even have a righteous kid!. I haven't passed down knowledge to anyone at all?. What if it's hell?!. Then I won't get to see my mom?.

"Ree we're ready!. Ahhhh!" Omar exclaimed as if he had stepped on a nail, "You haven't gotten out of bed?. So you're not ready yet?. Ree is this a prank?. Or have you started doing TikTok too?."

He moved towards my bed and took the cover away from my body, he noticed my closed eyes and tears, "Did someone break your heart?. Or are you dying?" He yelled the last part out and I heard him run out of my room, the door wasn't slammed so he definitely left it open.

Suddenly, my chest started to hurt, really really bad!. The burning sensation increased centering around my middle as if my chest was being pulled by a hot metal.

"Ree, are you okay?" I can't possibly count how many times Lila has said those words to me before.

I cried even harder, slightly louder this time, "No."

"Oh you're burning!" She flinched as she touched my forehead, she held me again and lifted me up to a seating position. My bonnet fell off my head and my mass of black hair came loose, forming a wide afro around my head. I felt like cutting it off at that moment.

"We'd better get a doctor" she sat me up on the bed with my back against the bed frame, she mopped my teary face with her hand, "I'll get you tissues. Okay?. I'll be back in a moment" and she went rushing out of my room.

Omar and Levi peered into the room, "Can we come in?" Levi asked.

I said nothing and dived under the covers again.

"Sorry Ree" I felt a hand massaging my head.

"Maybe we shouldn't go to school too" I heard Omar say. I kept quiet and continued crying. They sat at the tip of my bed saying "Sorry."

"Here you go dear" Lila shifted the cover off my face and wiped my face with a tissue, "I've called a doctor I know, he's a very good friend of mine. He'll be here in a moment to check up on you."

"You two should get going to school" Lila lifted me up to a seating position again.

"No, we want to stay and take care of Ree. We can help if she needs something and can't get it" Omar said.

"Yes, you can go to work, we will take care of her" Levi said.

I really wished I could shout, "don't leave me in the custody of Omar, he'll probably go down to eat and play PES and forget about me" but I was too weak.

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