Chapter 18: The fight

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Ludwig was staring at me with his rare smile that I've seen just ones, it was the beginning of summer and you could hear the birds chirping as they flew about to make nests on the trees outside.

My room seemed extraordinary brighter than usual, like someone had hung up a chandelier. Ludwig was standing in front of the open curtain and the light diffusing into the room made him look angelic and so out of this world.

His hair was rough looking and tousled, like it did after the kiss in the car. He was laughing wildly and so was I.

Suddenly, the angelic scene stopped playing out and Levi barged into my room stumping his foot so loudly the entire house shook to it foundation and almost collapse.

"He kissed you?" I jumped off my feet as Levi's loud voice boomed into my ears.

Enough of lying or trying to cover things up, "So?" My voice came out softer than intended.

"Levi!" I shrieked as he suddenly threw himself on Ludwig and grabbed his collar!.

"Dude stop!. What are you..." I yelled helplessly.

"You fucking scumbag!. If you ever lay a finger on her again I will beat up your ass so bad they'll be putting you together for the rest of your life!" Levi spat into Ludwig's face punching him so hard I heard his nose break.

"And as for you!" He said stomping his foot back to where to stood.

He was now so close to my face that we were only a breath apart. His hot angry breath fanned my lips, I tried to move back but my legs were touching the bed already. He was getting uncomfortably close and his legs were touching mine!.

"Levi, s... stop" I stammered helplessly. Then, his lips slanted to the side as if he was about to kiss me, I gasped in shock widening my eyes, "Levi, stop!."

I could see a blur as his close face made my eyes zigzag, I blinked and yelled as his lips almost touched mine I and woke up gasping!. It was a dream!. I had been dreaming!.

Ludwig wasn't in my room, neither was Levi. There had been no angelic scene, my room is a dark as a tunnel. I sat up in bed and reached out for my phone to check the time. 4.18!. Geez!. Dreams can be deceiving!. It had felt so real, but why would Levi kiss me?.

I dropped my phone beside me and lay back snuggling into my blanket. Sleep has mithe me and I couldn't even close my eyes, talk less of going back to sleep. I stared into the darkness thinking hard.

Ludwig kissed me on Saturday! That wasn't a dream right?, in his car at the supermarket parking lot. The kiss floated through my mind and I was could feel and remember the taste of cupcake on his lips, his hands wrapped around his body, my body on his thigh, the feel of his abs when I placed my hand on them.

I fantasized about the kiss and Ludwig till 5.30 when my alarm went off so I got off to pray and get ready for school.

Someone knocked on my door as I arranged my notebooks.
"Come in?"I yelled thinking it was going to be Levi but no, it was Lila.

"Has anyone seen my purse?. Ree have you seen my purse?" She asked hurriedly.

"No" I said.

She slammed the door close and I could hear her footsteps shuffling across the corridor to someone else room, Levi's room was the closest.

"Where did she drop her purse?" I rolled my eyes turning off my phone before leaving it to charge.

Today is the educational conference which my school will be attending, in fact all the schools in the state will be attending!—chosen private schools to be precise. It's an educational conference that occurs every three years, the fun part about it is that you could win scholarships if your perform so well, different representatives of organizations will be there to hand pick their favorite contestants.

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