He's Back

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*This takes place before the masquerade ball*

The train of Christine's black dress is dragging through the snow-covered graveyard as she walks towards her father's grave with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. Today was Christine's father's birthday and Christine decided to visit his grave. As she is walking, Christine begins to think of the Phantom.

"It's been six months," Christine thinks. "Not a sign, not a word." Suddenly Christine gets worried. "Could he be dead," Christine thinks. "No! He's not dead; he's the Phantom of the Opera."

Shaking those thoughts from her head, Christine continues walking, seeing her father's grave ahead. Christine walks up to it and lays the flowers down on the grave. "Hey father," Christine says, kneeling down on the gravestone. "I came here to wish you a happy birthday." Christine begins to feel her eyes water up as she thinks of her father. "I wish you were here so I can be with you again, so you can hear me perform." Christine couldn't conceal her tears any longer and tears begin to run down her face. "I miss you everyday, but I know you sent me the angel of music, like you promised. He reminds me that you remembered your promise and that you love me. And I'm beginning to wonder if I could possibly have feelings for him, like how he has feelings for me."

Christine covers her face with her hands and cries. "My life is confusing right now," Christine thinks. "I'm engaged to Raoul, my childhood friend, but I don't love him. He came and comforted me when I was scared and made me feel safe. I only said yes to his proposal because he caught me in a moment when I was scared and needed comfort."


Erik Destler is walking through the forest, clearing his mind, when he sees the graveyard. "Maybe I can have some fun and scare some people," Erik thinks. Erik silently climbs over the fence and lands on the soft ground that's covered with snow. Walking through the graveyard, Erik is trying to see if anyone is here. After looking for about five minutes, Erik almost gives up when he suddenly hears light footsteps.

Getting excited, Erik quickly runs behind a tree as he hears the footsteps getting closer. Erik peaks from behind the tree, expecting to see a random person, only to see Christine walking in a black dress with flowers in her hands. Not wanting to be seen, Erik skillfully climbs the tree he was hiding behind and watches as Christine stops at the grave a few feet away from the tree he's in. Erik watches as Christine lays the flowers on the grave and begins to talk.

Erik isn't really paying attention to eat Christine is saying until he hears her start crying. "I miss you everyday, but I know you sent me the angel of music, like you promised," Erik hears Christine say. Paying more attention, Erik listens as Christine continues. "He reminds me you remembered your promise and that you love me. And I'm beginning to wonder if I could possibly have feelings for him, like how he has feelings for me."

Erik can't believe his ears; his angel could possibly have feelings for him. Erik has always wished that this day would come. Unsure what to do, Erik thinks of the possible options he can do. One- Stay in the tree until Christine leaves. Two-Quietly climb down the tree and leave unnoticed. Or three- Climb down the tree and talk to Christine.

Erik decides to do the third option. Erik climbs down the tree and takes a step towards Christine, but his foot lands on a stick, making it snap loudly.

Christine freezes when she hears a stick snap behind her. Feeling her heart beat a million miles a minute, Christine slowly turns her head and sees the Phantom looking at her. Christine opens her mouth like she's about to speak, but no words come out. Feeling a mixture of anger and shock, Christine finally manages to get out," Where have you been for the past six months?"

"I, uh, have been writing an opera for the Opera Popular to perform," Erik answers. "Before you say anything else, I want you to know that I didn't follow you here; I was walking through the forest and decided to walk through here," Erik says, telling most of the truth.

"That's good, at least," Christine says, somewhat relieved. "Did you hear any of what I said," Christine asks, a little nervous.

"I actually heard the last part about you wondering if you had feelings for me, like I do for you," Erik answers.

Christine feels her cheeks get red; he heard her. "So do you have feelings for me or not," Erik asks.

"I.....I....." Christine stutters. Before she can think or say anything, Christine feels Erik press his lips on hers.

Christine eyes open wide in shock, but she quickly relaxes and closes her eyes. She wraps her arms around Erik's necks, while Erik wraps his around her waist. The world around them fades away and time seems to stop while they kiss. Everything becomes clear in that moment about who she supposed to be with.

Erik pulls away, embarrassed. "I wasn't thinking; I'm sorry," Erik says. "Now she really hates me," Erik thinks.

"Why are you sorry," Christine asks smiling.

Erik looks at Christine shocked. She liked the kiss. "I know that I have feelings for you; the ones I have for Raoul will only be feelings you have for friends and nothing more," Christine says, wrapping her arms around Erik's torso.

Erik's eyes begin to fill with tears as he wraps his arms around Christine. "I finally have my angel," He whispers.

Christine smiles and whispers back," Yes you do and I have mine."

As she is hugging Erik, Christine feels like someone is watching them. Looking around, Christine sees her father, watching them with a smile on his face. "Thank you for my angel of music, father," Christine says in her head, looking at her father. He nods and then disappears, leaving Christine and Erik happy in each other's arms.

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