She's a Star Because of Me

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*This is modern day*

Erik was walking through Paris to get some fresh air with his new chocolate lab named Cooper. Erik found him in an alley left to die and decided to take the dog home with him. Ever since Christine left him, Cooper has shown Erik a lot of love as if he knows that his master is upset and needs to be shown love.

Erik is dressed in his usual outfit of black dress pants with matching shoes with a black trench coat and a hat to conceal his identity from everybody. No one ever bothers Erik because of how he dresses and walks, with his head down, even though he has a dog walking with him. When someone sees Erik, they instantly move out of his way because they fear him. Erik doesn't mind the fact that no one talks to him; in fact he enjoys the fact that everyone is scared of him. Ever since his angel, Christine, left him, he doesn't care about anything anymore.

As Erik is walking his usual route to the market, he notices something different. A rather large sign. "It must have been put up last night," Erik thinks ignorantly. Erik looks up at the sign and instantly regrets it.

On the sign there is a picture of Christine dressed in a gorgeous dress with birds flying around her. "She looks just as beautiful the day I lost her," Erik says with a sigh. Then noticing writing, Erik leans in to read it.

Christine Daae, the famous soprano of the famous Paris Opera House, will be returning to where she was born, Sweden. A recent millionaire, who wishes to remain unanimous, has asked her to become the leading soprano of his new opera house, which will open in six months.

"I can't believe it," Erik says, angrily. "The only reason why she's famous is because of me. I was the one who trained her voice to be what it is now. If it wasn't for me she would just be an ordinary ballet rat."

Erik instantly realizes what he said. "She would have eventually become a star anyway; she has a natural talent for singing," Erik says with a sigh. "I just wish she was here with me. Now that she's going back to Sweden, I really won't be able to win her back." Erik tries to keep his tears back, but fails.

As a tear falls from Erik's cheek, Cooper notices and gets his squeaky toy in his mouth and looks up at Erik, whimpering slightly to get Erik's attention. Once Erik is looking at Cooper, Cooper begins to wag his tail and nudges Erik's hand with his toy, as if to give Erik it.

Erik wipes away the tear and kneels down to pet Cooper. "I don't know what I would have done to myself if I didn't have you," Erik says to Cooper. And, as if Cooper could understand, Cooper begins to lick Erik's face.

Erik begins to laugh as Cooper licks his face. "Alright," Erik says, gently pushing Cooper down. "Let's go home." Standing up, the two turn and begin to walk home.


Thank You for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. I would also really appreciate it if you all would read my story "Javert and the Girl Who Saved Him". Anyway thank you all who have been reading my work.

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