The Fourth of July

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*This is a one-shot in honor of the Fourth of July*
Christine is finishing the packing their picnic basket as Erik folds their red plaid blanket. This was their first Fourth of July together as a married couple and Erik had a great day planned. Once the blanket was folded, Erik silently walks into the kitchen and creeps up behind Christine, who was silently humming. Once he was close enough, Erik wraps his arms around Christine and places his head on her shoulder.

Christine jumps slightly then relaxes seeing that it was Erik. "You know it's not nice to sneak up on a woman working," Christine teases as she places the final items in the basket.

"I guess I was under the influence of your humming, angel," Erik says before placing a kiss on her cheek and unwrapping his arms from around her waist.

"Are you ready to go," Christine asks, turning around with the basket in her hands.

"Yes, I am," Erik says as he picks up the blanket.

The two walk out of the house and head towards a path, leading into the woods. "Are you going to tell me where we are going," Christine asks as they continue walking.

"It's a surprise," Erik says, turning to look at Christine.

"You know I don't like surprises," Christine says.

"This one you will like," Erik says. "Trust me."

The two continue walking for another few minutes before Erik sees the place. Erik goes behind Christine and covers her eyes. "Is this really necessary," Christine asks with a small smile.

"Yes," Erik says. "Take a few steps forward." Erik helps Christine not trip over anything as they walk through a line of trees to enter the surprise he has for Christine. "Alright," Erik says as he removes his hands from Christine's eyes.

Christine gasps at the beautiful sight in front of her. She's standing in a meadow full of flowers of any color imaginable. The meadow is surrounded in trees, so no one outside can see the inside of the meadow. The sun is shining on the dark green grass, making the sight perfect.

"Erik, this place is beautiful," Christine says, turning to look at him. "How did you find this place?"

"I was walking one night and I found this place," Erik says. "I was waiting for the right time to show you; I guess I timed it just right."

"You did," Christine says. Then grabbing Erik's hand, Christine says," Let's go find somewhere to set our stuff down."

The two walk to the center of the meadow and set their stuff down there. Erik spreads the blanket out as Christine opens the basket. Once Erik is sitting on the blanket, however, Christine sneaks up behind him and puts a hand on his shoulder. "You're it," Christine says before running away. Erik smiles and stands up, beginning to chase Christine.

Christine sees Erik chasing her and quickly takes her shoes off before running away from Erik. Even though she's in a dress, Christine is able to keep a good distance between herself and Erik. After a few minutes of running, Christine slows down a little and Erik sees his chance. Erik runs up behind Christine and, again, put his arms around her waist, but this time, spins her around.

Christine squeals in delight as Erik spins her around. Christine wouldn't trade this moment in for anything; she is with the only man she loves, who loves her back. Once Erik sets her down, Christine turns and places her arms around Erik's neck. "You're it," Erik says with smile.

Christine laughs before placing Erik's lips on her own. Erik smiles against Christine's lips and returns the kiss. Erik has never experienced so much love in his life. Even though Madame Giry and Meg were nice to him, they didn't show him much love. Erik was grateful everyday to have Christine by his side, knowing that she will never leave him.

Once they pull away, Erik places his forehead against Christine's. "I love you," Erik says.

"I love you, too," Christine says, looking up into Erik's eyes. The two then walk back to their blanket, hand in hand.

The two spend the rest of the day talking, about anything that comes to mind. Eventually, the sky begins to darken and Christine begins to stand. "Where are you going," Erik asks as he gently grabs Christine's hand.

"It's getting dark," Christine says. "We have to go home."

"Just sit," Erik says. "There is one more surprise." Erik forgot that this was Christine's first Fourth of July.

"Okay," Christine says, sitting down next to Erik. "What is it?"

Erik takes out his pocket watch and checks the time. Smiling, Erik points at a clear area between two trees. "Look between those two trees," Erik says.

Christine doesn't see anything and is about to say something when she suddenly sees a burst of red in the sky. Christine gasps as more shoot up in the sky. "Fireworks," Christine says, happily. Erik smiles as the two continue watching the fireworks.

As they continue watching the fireworks, Christine scoots a little closer to Erik and places her head against his shoulder. Erik smiles and wraps his arm around Christine's shoulders, causing her to move closer to Erik. The fireworks continue to explode in the numerous colors as the two watch in awe. The final firework erupted and became an American flag.

Once the final firework faded away, Erik looks at Christine and places a kiss on her cheek. "Happy Fourth of July, Christine," Erik says.

Christine looks at Erik with a huge smile. "Happy Fourth of July to you too," Christine says.


Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this! Also the picture is my first ever edit, so if you for some reason want to use it, please give me credit. Anyway I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day and have an amazing Fourth of July!

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