May I Have This Dance?

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*This is a modern day one-shot*
*Christine's POV*
I finish putting mascara on and look at my reflection in my mirror; I look beautiful. My make up goes perfectly with the gold dress I picked out. The dress is gold with a tan ribbon around my waist. The sleeves go to my elbows, while the skirt is floor length. I tried to straighten my curls, but it didn't do anything except make them less frizzy, which looks nice. I smile in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance.

I suddenly hear a knock at the door. "He's here," I think excitedly. I grab my bag and gold mask before going downstairs to get the door. Once at the door, I take a deep breath before opening it to see my date to prom.

*Erik's POV*
I knock on the door in front of me as the butterflies in my stomach return. I look over my appearance to make sure I look alright. My suit is dark gray with matching gloves. My white shirt is sticking out from the top of the suit jacket, just how I like it. After checking my appearance, I reach my hand up and feel my mask. I make sure it's covering all of my face; it is. I breath a sigh of relief when the door suddenly opens.

"Are you ready to go, Erik," I hear my date say. I look up and see Meg in a pink dress with rhinestones on it. Her hair is in a tight bun and she is wearing a light layer of make up. She also has pink gloves on that match her dress and is holding a pink mask covered in rhinestones.

"Yes, I am," I say, putting on a fake smile. I offer Meg my arm, which she takes, before we walk over to my car. I open the door for her before heading to the driver's side. Once we're both in the car, I start the car and drive us to prom.

The only reason why I'm taking Meg to prom, or going to prom at all, is because I owe Madame Giry a favor. Meg wanted to go to prom and she didn't have a date so Madame Giry said that I should take her. So here I am taking Meg Giry to prom when I would rather be taking someone else.

*Christine's POV*
Opening the door, I see the face of my boyfriend, Raoul. He looks extremely handsome tonight in his outfit. He's wearing a classic black suit with a white shirt and red bow tie. He has a red rose pinned to his suit jacket and is holding a blood red mask in his hands.

I see Raoul's eyes widen when he sees me. "You look beautiful tonight," he says.

"You look very handsome tonight as well," I say with a smile.

"I do, don't I," Raoul says in a mock English accent as he pretends to readjust his bowtie.

We both laugh. "Are you ready to go," Raoul asks.

"Yes," I say excitedly. I close the door behind me and follow Raoul to the car. I get in the car as Raoul starts his car. Once the car is started, we drive to prom.

Time skip
After me and Raoul's picture is taken, we walk inside the school's gym, which is where prom is being held. The gym is dark with neon laser lights providing light. The gym is full people dressed in a rainbow of colors from reds to purples. Everyone is either talking, dancing, or eating the snacks laid out on the tables. As we walk through the gym, I see Carlotta and Piangi talking to the two teachers who run the drama club, Mr. Firmin and Mr. Andre. Mr. Firmin has a look of boredom on his face, while Mr. Andre has a look of agony on his face as Carlotta continues talking to them. I try my best to not laugh as I think of a joke Erik told me one day when we were singing together. I suddenly feel a little sad thinking about Erik. "I hope he came tonight," I think as Raoul waves to his friends.

As Raoul is talking with his friends, I offer to get us some punch. "That would be great," he says before turning back to the conversation. I feel a little upset with Raoul's answer, but push it away as I go get us drinks. Once I get the drinks, I turn around and as I head back to Raoul, someone catches my eye. I turn my head to see Erik....... with Meg. I feel myself get sad seeing my best friend with Erik, but I don't know why. My eyes meet Erik's and his meet mine. I feel a strange desire to come to him. I take a step forward before shaking it off and breaking eye contact with him. I look away from Erik and walk back to Raoul, feeling my cheeks get hot.

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