Don't Do It

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*Christine's POV*
"I  am your angel of music," the voice calls to me as I walk up the stairs to the grave. "Come to me, angel of music." My mind was saying that this isn't possible while my heart told me to just believe; my heart won.

"No, Christine, wait," a familiar voice yells, pulling me from the trance. "Wait!"

I blink and turn around, not believing my eyes. "Raoul," I say, surprised and a little annoyed that he followed me.

"Whatever you believe, this man, this thing is not your father," Raoul says as he runs beside me before walking upon the rest of the stairs. I am beyond irritated with Raoul; I am angry. Ever since the masquerade ball, he hasn't let me from his sight. He has good reason, but I would like to have some time alone.

As these thoughts flash through my mind, the sight of black fabric pulls me from my thoughts. I know Raoul isn't wearing black; that can only mean one thing. I gasp loudly when I realize who it, causing Raoul to turn just as the Phantom's sword comes down against his own.

The two then start fighting! I can't watch them try to kill each other, but I could get hurt if I try to interfere. I reluctantly just stand and watch. I feel so helpless since there is nothing I can do to stop them.

As Raoul and the Phantom fight, I have to keep moving around if I want to see, since they keep moving. The sound their swords clanging and heavy breathing is the only sound that can be heard in the empty, snow covered graveyard. I continue to watch in worry as they continue fighting.

Their fighting eventually gets closer to where I am so I move back. I watch as the Phantom whips his cape and slash Raoul on his arm. I hear Raoul yell in pain causing me to watch in horror as he continues to fight. This needs to stop; Raoul needs to see a doctor and they both look like they are about to pass out.

I'm about to yell at them to stop when Raoul suddenly knocks the Phantom's sword out of his hand. Raoul pushes the Phantom to the ground and kicks his sword away, all while raising his own.

I know what Raoul is going to do; he's going to kill him! I should let Raoul do it; he deserves it. But then the all the memories of everything he has done for me and then that night at the masquerade when we were so close.......I know what I need to do.

"No, Raoul," I yell just before Raoul brings his sword down. Raoul turns around and looks at me confused. "You don't have the right to kill him."

Raoul looks at me as if I have gone insane. "He was just trying to kill me," he says, angrily.

"If he was about to kill you, I would be doing the same exact thing I just did," I say. I then walk towards the Phantom, ignoring Raoul.

As I pass Raoul, he grabs my arm. "What are you doing," he asks, angrily.

I pull my arm out of his grip. "Making sure he is okay, " I snap back.

Turning back towards the phantom, his golden eyes are full of anger, confusion and hurt, but mainly anger. I know I caused the hurt and it breaks my heart. I walk over to him, his eyes on me the whole time. Once close enough, I kneel down in front of him.

His eyes distrustfully looked up and down me before meeting my eyes. "Are you okay," I ask him. He doesn't answer as he shifts so he is sitting, which is unusual since he always talks to me.

"Christine, don't waste your time," I hear Raoul say behind me. "Let's head back."

I groan in irritation and turn around. "Raoul," I groan irritated. "Will you give me a min-." I stop mid-sentence when I see Raoul pale slightly. That's when I feel a coarse rope wrap around my neck.

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