The Point of No Return

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*Christine's POV*
"No thoughts within her head, but thoughts of joy," I sing as I walk onto stage. "No dreams within her heart, but dreams of love." I then sit down on stage with my basket and wait for Piangi to sing his lines.

"Passarino, go away for the trap; it is set and wait for its prey," I hear a voice sing, as I play with a black ribbon tied at the end of rose in the basket. "You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge. In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent."

"That's doesn't sound like Piangi," I think. I turn my head and recognize the man to be the Phantom. He is wearing a black suit, cape, and mask, which is the outfit of Don Juan. "He's playing Don Juan," I think worriedly.

"Silent," Erik sings as he brings a finger up to his lips, signalling me to not say anything. "I have brought you that our passions may fuse and merge." His voice sounds heavenly when he sings, so I close my eyes to savor the moment as he sings. "In your mind you've already succumb to me, dropped all defenses, completely succumb to me. Now you are here with me. No second thoughts; you've decided. Decided."

I smile as I stand up, never taking my eyes off him. He looks incredibly handsome in the Don Juan costume, the only thing I wish was different is the mask he is wearing. I prefer his white mask over the black one, but the black one matches better with the costume and if he wore the white one, people would have recognized him.

"Past the point of no return," he sings walking towards me. "No backward glances. Our games of make believe are at an end." I hear the dancers come out, but I don't look at them, I only look at Erik as he walks closer to me. I feel my heart begin to beat faster with every step he takes towards me. "Past all thought of "if" or "when". No use resisting. Abandon thought and let the dream descend."

I watch as Erik goes behind me and put an arm around my chest and pull me close to him. I feel my breath hitch and eyes close, enjoying the feeling of his skin on mine. I can't help but feel a sense of desire course through my body as he continues to sing. "What raging fire shall flood the soul," I hear Erik sing as I lean back further into his touch. "What rich desire unlocks its door? What sweet seduction lies before us?"

"Past the point of no return," Erik continues singing as he backs away from me while holding one of my hands, our eyes locked in a gaze full of emotions. "The final threshold." I suddenly snap out of the trance, pull my hand away and breaking eye contact; I need to be ready for my part, even though I enjoyed it, I can't be under one of Erik's singing spells. "What warm unspoken secrets will we learn, beyond the point of no return?"

*Erik's POV*

I continue looking at Christine, never breaking eye contact until she suddenly looks away and pulls her hand away. I feel a little hurt that she did that, but I can't let it show. "Beyond the point of no return," I finish singing my line and wait to hear Christine sing the part I wrote specifically for her.

"You have brought me," Christine starts in her angelic voice. "To that moment when words run dry. To that moment when speech disappears into silence. Silence." I notice her look up at Box 5 and also look up, only to see that fop, Raoul, sitting there. He looks over across to my managers, Firman and Andre, who look scared and get another cop to come into their book. I inwardly laugh at their stupidity, before returning my attention back to Christine.

"I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why," Christine continues singing. "In my mind, I've already imagined our bodies intwining, defenseless and silent." I watch as the thin sleeves of Christine's dress fall off her shoulders as she turns and looks at me. "Now I am here with you no second thoughts; I've decided. Decided." I take a deep breath to calm the desire I feel coursing through me. I knew my music could affect other people,but I didn't know it could affect me.

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