Meeting an Angel

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Soft footsteps echoed down the dark corridor that led to the small chapel inside the Paris Opera House. The light of a candle made it's way along the wall with the figure of a girl behind it. Who is this girl you may ask? The girl is Christine Daae heading towards the chapel to light a candle for her father Gustave Daae, the famous Swedish violinist.

Christine sees the chapel doorway in sight and slightly quickens her pace. Once she enters the room, the candle slightly brightens the room up. Rows of white candles, short and tall, line the walls with pictures of men and woman of various ages underneath. Quickly spotting her father's, Christine rushes over and lights the camdle. Getting on her knees and putting her hands together, Christine begins to talk to her father.

"Hello father," Christine says. "I don't know if you remember, but today was my sixteenth birthday. Today was supposed to be a good day, but it was probably the worst. First no body remembered that today was my birthday, then Carlotta yelled at me for accidentally tripping over her dress, which caused it to tear. It's not my fault that her dresses are so long; that how she wants them. Finally, my angel of music hasn't come yet; I'm beginning to think that he doesn't exist." Christine feels a tear fall down her cheek, but she takes a deep breath and continues. "I don't know how much longer I can take before it's too much. I miss you and I need someone. If you are ever going to send me the angel of music you promised me, now would be the time." Christine looks at the picture of her father as more tears pour down her cheeks. Little does Christine know that tonight, she is going to meet her angel of music.

If you know the layout of the Opera House, then you would know of all the old catacombs that run throughout the whole Opera House. It would take decades to learn what room each catacomb lead to, but there is one person who knows all of them and where they lead. A pair of golden eyes gleam through the darkness of the catacombs, not a sound is made as the eyes make their way through the darkness. Those golden eyes belong to Erik Destler, he is commonly known as the Phantom of the Opera, but to Christine, he will become her angel of music.

Erik is making his usual walk through the catacombs, making sure no one has wandered in and possibly getting caught in one of his traps, when he hears a soft voice coming from the room next to him. Placing his ear on the wall, Erik listens as the girl begins to cry. "If you are ever going to send me the angel of music you promised me, now would be the time," Erik hears the girl say.

"An angel of music," Erik thinks. Then remembering his appearance, Erik thinks," Maybe for a little bit, I can pretend to be something I'm not, but let me see if she's worth my time."

Erik knows of a secret door that leads to the chapel that allows him to remain hidden, but allows him to see inside the chapel. Opening the door, Erik quietly enters and peaks in the chapel and sees the girl there, kneeling in front of the candles. The candles illuminate her face, allowing Erik to see her face. Erik is blown away at her beauty, long blonde curls fall to her mid-back, her skin looks like porcelain and her plush cheeks and lips make her blue eyes look big and beautiful. "Don't get distracted," Erik silently scolds himself. "It's now or never."

Christine feels as more tears begin to form in her, but before they can come out she hears a voice. But not just any voice, the voice sounded angelic. "Why are crying mademoiselle," the angelic voice asks.

Christine looks around the room, trying to find out where the voice came from. Christine hears the voice laugh. "Where are you," Christine asks in trembling voice.

"Do not be afraid child," the voice says. "I am your angel of music, your father has sent me to look after you."

Christine can't believe it, her angel of music has finally come, after all these years. "But if I am to stay here, I have to hear you sing," the voice says. "If you are not good, I will be forced to go somewhere else, but if you do well, I will stay. Begin."

Christine takes a deep breath before deciding the perfect song to sing. It was a lullaby her father used to sing for her. Quickly getting the words in her head, Christine begins to sing.

Erik is impressed at her singing ability, it needed a little work, but with his help, she could become a star. Once the song was complete, Erik decided to become her angel of music. "That was very good," Erik says. "I will stay and be your angel of music. I will train your voice to become the best in all of Paris. Meet me in here every other day at eight o' clock sharp. I will see you soon Miss....." Erik trails off, not knowing her name.

"Christine, Christine Daae," Christine says overjoyed.

"Well, Miss Daae, I will see you soon," Erik says. "Until next time." And with that Erik leaves and heads back to his lair, to begin planning for their first lesson.

Christine stands up with a huge smile on her face. Picking up her candle, Christine looks up and says," Thank you father. This has become the best birthday ever." Then leaning down, Christine blows her father's candle out.


Thank you guys so much for all the reads and votes I have been getting on all my stories. If you haven't read the phantom of the opera book, I suggest you read it, but in the book Christine's hair is blonde and she has blue eyes. I'm sorry if you didn't know that. Anyway thanks again for reading my one-shots :)

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