Double Date

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*This is another modern day one-shot*
*Christine's POV*
I hear a knock on my front door as I finish putting on my pink rose earrings. I smile as I grab my pink clutch and head downstairs. Once at the door, I smooth the front of my matching pink dress and make I look alright. After I finish, I take a deep breath and open the front door to reveal my date, Raoul.

I see Raoul's eyes widen when he looks at me. "Wow," he says. "You look gorgeous!"

"Thank you," I say, blushing. "You look very handsome tonight." Raoul really does look nice tonight. He's wearing an expensive, tailored suit with a pair of leather gloves.

"Why thank you Madame," Raoul says with a bow, causing me to giggle. Then putting his arm out, he says,"Shall we?"

I smile and take his arm. We walk to his red Ferrari and he opens the passenger door for me. "You're such a gentleman," I say as I get in the car.

"Why thank you," he says as he closes the door. I watch as he walks over to the driver's side. I am so happy with my relationship with Raoul. I know everyone at school is jealous, but I can't help but feel that something isn't right. If only I knew what was right....

The sound of the car door closing pulls me from my thoughts. I look over and see Raoul starting the car. "So where are you taking that requires me to wear something nice like this," I ask.

"It's a surprise," Raoul says with a smirk.

"You know I hate surprises," I say with a mock whine.

"That's exactly why it's a surprise," Raoul says with the same smirk.

"Jerk," I say as I playfully hit his arm.

"Ow, my heart and arm," Raoul says in an overdramatic voice.

I laugh. My mind wanders back to what I was thinking earlier. My relationship is perfect nothing is wrong........Right?

*Erik's POV*
I adjust my tie before knocking on the door. I stand and wait as I hear the soft sound of heels clicking on the floor. A minute later, the door opens to reveal Meg.

Meg looks beautiful. She's wearing a dress that has a light pink top and white skirt. Her shoes remind me of ballet shoes, but they go with her outfit. "You look very pretty tonight Meg," I say as I offer her my hand.

"Why thank you, Erik," Meg says as she takes my hand. We walk to my car and I open the door for her. Once she is in the car, I close her door and go to the driver's side. As I start the car, I hear Meg ask,"Where are going tonight?"

"I got us reservations us at the Starlight Restaurant," I tell her.

I hear Meg gasp. "How did you get us reservations there," she asks.

"The owner owes me a favor," I say. I wrote him some music for his piano player to play; the music got amazing reviews and more people began going to the restaurant to hear the music.

The rest of the drive is filled with conservations about various subjects. Today is Meg's birthday and I wanted to do something special for her since she and her mother have been really nice to me, two of three who are nice to me. The third person is Christine.

My mind wanders to Christine. I wonder what she's doing tonight? Probably going on a date with that fop, Raoul. I can't deny that I have a huge crush on Christine, but I can never tell her; she will never like me, so why ruin the friendship we have.

I shake the thoughts from my head as I pull into the restaurant. I step out and open the door for Meg. As we walk into the restaurant, something causes me stop. It's a red Ferrari.

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