You Can't Scare Me

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*Christine's POV*
I'm putting the last of my makeup on as I look at myself in the mirror. I'm dressed up as an angel, at Erik's request, and I actually look like one. Even though the wings and halo give away what I am, the dress and gloves also give the impression that I am dressed up as something elegant and pure, like angels.

Pleased with my appearance, I walk out of the bathroom and heads towards our bedroom. The door is closed so I knock on the door. "Erik," I says. "Are you almost ready?"

There's no reply. "Erik," I say as I knock again. Again no reply. "Erik, are you even in here?" Nothing. Getting a little irritated, I open the door to reveal the empty room. "I just made a complete fool of myself," I mumble to myself, embarrassed.

I close the door and starts to turn so I can head downstairs. But before I do, I hear a loud "Boo" right behind me. No knowing what that was and catching me off guard, I scream. 

Turning around, I see Erik laughing. "Oh you should have seen your face," Erik gets out between laughs.

"That was not funny," I say, not wanting to admit that he got me because of my pride.

"Christine," Erik says as his laughing settles down. "You have to admit that I got you."

I stare at him for a moment, trying to decide to either tell him that it was good or not. Not wanting to make him upset, I sigh. "That was a good one," I say, making Erik's face light up. "But I will get you back."

Erik looks at me with a semi-serious, semi-amused expression. "No one can scare me," he says.

I look at him with raised eyebrows. "Is that so," I say.

"I lived with a group of gypsies for years and then under the Paris Opera House for twenty years," Erik says. "Trust me. Nothing can scare me."

"I accept that challenge," I say with a smile.

"Well, we shall see how that goes," Erik says, with a gleam in his eyes. "On another note, are you ready to go to the Halloween ball?"

"I am," I say. Erik then offers me his arm, which I accept. We walk out and head toward Phantasma's ballroom.

Erik opened Phantasma about a year ago and the place has been a huge success. After our wedding, me and Erik came to America and opened this place. Even though our funds were limited, we were able to stretch each dollar. In the past year, Phantasma has grown and become an amazing place, along with solidifying me and Erik's marriage.

They see the ballroom up ahead and we walk to it. Once there, I see dozens of people dressed in every costume imaginable. There are people dressed as pretty things like butterflies, princes, and princesses, while others are dressed as scary things like vampires, werewolves, and ghosts.

Glancing over at Erik, I smile, seeing him in his red death costume. I remember the night when he was at the Paris Opera House's masquerade ball. That was the night I realized that I was in love with him.

Erik notices me looking at him and he looks at me. "What are you think about," he asks with a smile.

I smile and look at him. "I was just thinking about the last time you wore that," I say. "The night I knew for sure that I loved you."

Erik puts his arm around my shoulders and kisses my head. "I remember that day well," he says. Then, after moving arm off my shoulders, he offers me his hand. "May I have this dance, Mrs. Destler," he asks.

Even though we have been married for a year now, my heart still flutters every time he calls me Mrs. Destler. I accept his hand with a smile. "You may," I say.

Erik smiles and leads me onto the dance floor just as a slow song begins to play. We slowly dance to the rhythm of the song. As we dance, I lay my head against his chest and close my eyes, listening to the steady beat of his heart. The song ends too soon and I stand up straight again.

We stay at the party for a few more hours, mingling with guests and dancing to some songs. As the party comes to an end, me and Erik slip out so we won't have to tell the 1,200 guests goodbye. Erik holds my hand the whole walk home as I begin to plot a way to scare Erik.

We make it home and Erik heads to our room to change. As he climbs the stairs, I go over my plan to scare Erik in my head. Once Erik closes the door, I'm going to quietly go up the stairs and stand outside our bedroom and then scare him when he walks out. I smile to myself at my plan. Suddenly, I hear a high-pitched scream.

I jump at the sound. "It came from upstairs," I say to myself. Where did that come from? I quickly climb the stairs and go into our bedroom. Once in there, I see a sight I will never forget.

Standing on a chair is Erik, with no shirt on, staring at the smallest black spider on our white sheets. I start laughing at the hilarious sight.

"Christine," Erik says. "This is not funny."

I'm still laughing as I walk over and take a shoe to kill the spider with. I bring the shoe to our bed and bring the shoe down onto the spider. I hear Erik breath a sigh of relief and that gives me an idea.

"Erik," I ask. "Can you get me a tissue so I can throw the spider away?"

Erik nods and heads to get a tissue. He comes back a moment later and hands it to me. But as he hands it to me, I lift the shoe up of the bed and pretend to flick the spider towards Erik.

Erik flips out and begins to looking at his body to see if it was on him. I die laughing, a few tears sliding down my cheeks.

"I got you," I get out between laughs.

Erik just stands there, his face red with embarrassment. "Get rid of the spider, please," Erik says.

"Tell me I got you then I will," I say with a gleam of mischief.

Erik looks at me for a second before sighing. "Fine you got me," he says. "Now please get rid of it."

I smile in victory and pick up the dead spider to throw it away. I throw the spider away and go back into our room to see Erik with his arms crossed.

I smile. "You said I couldn't scare you," I say. "I proved you wrong."

Erik frown then turns into a small smile. "I did underestimate you," he says as he walks over to me.

Once close enough, Erik puts his arms around me and I hug him back. "I love you," I mumble in his chest.

"I love you too, Christine," Erik says. "And Happy Halloween."
I know I haven't updated my one-shots in forever. I'm sorry. I have been having school and then the story I'm writing now has lead me to not update these. I'm going to start updating these again I promise. I hoped you liked this one-shot and Happy Halloween :)

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