Taking a rest

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With Talena 

After fighting , everyone was tired. Talena took care of Donnie.

"Can you tell me what they did to you?"

Talena asked in soft voice, putting wet warm towel on his forehead.

"Nothing much...Chinese girl asked some questions about my family. After that she just put me to sleep by her magic."

Venus...what she want?

"Taly ne-san! Amy ne-san want you to see her leg "

"I'm coming"

She walked to her room.


Talena heard voice and looked back. She saw April talking with Donnie. She felt pain in her hart. She realized she loves him. But...but he loves another girl...April. And she is beautiful, strong and kind. Talena hunkered down.

"What a illogical...illogical love I did!!"

She cried.

With Leo 

Leo was waiting Venus. He wanted to return necklace.


Venus ran up to him.

"Oh, Vee. This is your-"

Venus hugged him. Leo was surprised and blushed hard.

"You protected them...I don't know what to say...but thank you, thank you for all."

She whispered.

"Oh, Leo. Your face is so red. You have a fever?"

"Am...um...no. I'm fine!...oh, by the way, I have to return this"

Leo showed necklace.

"Oh, keep it. Just in case."

Then Venus's stomach growled and she blushed hard.

"I...I'm sorry! I just didn't have time to eat!"

"Oh, come with me. I know a good restaurant."

They went down to the street and entered Japanese restaurant.

"Hello, Murakami san! "

"Oh, hello"

The restaurant owner was washing dishes. Leo and Venus sat on chair. Murakami san asked who is this girl.

"This is Venus. She is my friend."

Leo introduced.


Venus greeted in Japanese.




Then Venus's face turned white.


They talked something for one minute in Japanese. Of course Leo couldn't understand what they were discussing.

"Murakami san is very kind man. I can't wait his dishes"

Venus smiled, then Murakami san smiled and soon he made pizza gyoza.

"Pizza gyoza? I never hear this."

"try it ! It's so tasty"

Venus said "itadakimass"and ate one.

"わー美味しい!(woah, so delicious!)"

"I'm glad you like it."

Venus talked eating gyoza.

"Gyoza is originally Chinese dish. Ramen is too. It came from China to Japan a long time ago. I like both culture Japan and China."

After eating, they said good bye to Murakami san and went out.

"Thank you for today Leo. I didn't enjoy so much for long."

"Your welcome. I will always happy eating with you"

Venus smiled. Then suddenly she looked sky.

"Leo, look! Snow!"

"Winter came"

They smiled each other.

Sorry for unseasonable story.

Japan is too hot, I just wanted to image cold winter.

But this year in winter, I HAVE UNIVERSITY EXAMS.


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