Venus's past part 3

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For Venus, the hardest time in her life was after father's death. She walked all day in the forest. She had nothing except her power of illusion and her father's cape.

"Oliver, stay here. I'll go to get some food."

Venus said to her younger brother and went to the river to catch some fish. It was difficult to do so, though she had magic. Venus used water magic and caught fish from the water. After that, a little turtle girl made a bonfire with fire magic and ate fish with her brother.

Living in the nature made Venus a strong shinobi. She had to use her magic many times to get food. 

She couldn't go easily to the villages thinking Nayichu was still searching for her and Oliver. But the thing that Venus was worrying the most was winter. It wouldn't be able to find any food in the snow.

So when it actually came, the girl started stealing food from the village. Of course, she didn't want to do that, but it couldn't help. 

She moved from village to village so that people and Nayichu couldn't find her easily. It was very hard to walk in the snow with a small child like Oliver.

At the end of December, Venus was walking through the forest in the night. When she left the last village, she was sure that the next one was close and she didn't have to walk so long. However, the village didn't appear. Maybe she took the wrong way. 

The little two turtles got lost. 

She couldn't use Oliver's magic because she wasn't sure about his magic. Venus took many times to understand how her magic works. However, Oliver was too young to explore his power, so his sister didn't know that his power was actually "teleport". Venus thought that Chung I teleported them when Nayichu attacked.

All things they could see were white and black.

"Don't worry, Oliver. The village must be near."

Oliver didn't answer. He was too weak to say something. Venus started panicking. She used fire magic to light up the way she was walking. Then she heard something. It was low and big. At least wasn't human's voice.

"What was that?"

Venus looked around and she found. The big bear was standing. Venus froze in fear.

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