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Leo flew to the wall. Venus made Splinter's body float.

"Finally, my mission is finished."

"*cough cough* Ve...Venus?"

Venus gave him a cold stare.

"Poor boy. You thought I am your ally, but unfortunately no! Nayichu-sama gave this important mission to me. I just used you! You were so naive that I could easy to deceive!"

"But...but...I thought you as my friend!"

"Friend? Don't make me laugh. You know nothing about me! My character which I showed you before is just a role that Nayichu-sama has given me. Now I take your father as a present for my sensei."


Leo attacked her with his katanas. But Venus stopped it with her magic of ice.

"Don't think you can win me. I was made for fighting and saw many death. I have the grit, not like you."

Venus grabbed Leo's neck with plants and put her finger on his forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Leonardo. Enjoy the nightmare."

Leo fell asleep and she put him to the floor. She walked to the dojo.

"...I'll take this too."

Venus picked the photo of Hamato family.

"What is that sounds!"

Everyone rushed and saw the Chinese girl who was going to take Splinter.


"Leo! What did you do to him?!"

"He was just bothering me, so I knocked him out, Raphael. "

"Give sensei back!!"

Fight started. Venus knew she can't win.

"The illusions!"

She made many copies of Splinter and her.

"You won't find which is real."

"No! Fire sty-"

Oliver was going to make many little fire balls, but before that, Venus made him fall asleep. Larota noticed she hesitated before she attacked Oliver.

"Goodbye, guys"

Every Venus said. Others attacked but they were all illusions. Splinter was taken.

"Leo! Are you okay?"

Leo woke up by Raph's worried voice.

"Where is father?"

"He's taken."

"'s all my fault."

"...What do you mean 'my fault'?"

Leo told everything what he was doing when he was 'refreshing his head'. Brothers were shocked.

"you again did the same mistake! Once you were about to believe Karai and next is Venus! How could you do that?! I told you not to listen to them, but you did! You're the worst leader!"

Leo could only stay quiet by Raph's yelling. He was right.

"Enough boys!"

Hopu stopped.

"Everyone do mistakes and we have to decide what to do next, not blame to one person. Leonardo, master Splinter chosed you as a leader. He believes you can lead everyone to help him. Don't drive yourself into a corner too much. I knew a girl who was like you. Once she felt guilt and tried to fix all by only herself. And...she never come back. Everyone, go your room and cool your heads"

"Hai, master Hopu."

All went to their room, but Larota was still standing with worried face.

"You have some problems, Lara?"

"Sensei...I just have one doubt. If Venus is..."

The next word surprised her.

"You think that is possible? But how she did it?"

"I guess she will do everything for this."

Lara said.

Leo was sitting silently in his room. He still couldn't believe that Venus betrayed him. He definitely felt she is trusting him. He wanted to slam the blue tantô but couldn't.



The little boy entered his room. He sat next to Leo.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course no! It's all my fault. Because of me, our father is in danger. I don't know what to do..."

"Don't give up, Leo! We always have the way to solve pro-"

Oliver stopped and stared at one point.


"This...where did you get it?"

He pointed at the amulet of Shinobi.

"Oh, this... I got it from Venus...but why?"

"Mei had the same one."

He said and took it.

"I remember she said that it can hide the secret message. I'm not sure...but like..."

He formed some hand seals. Then the amulet started shining and showed some words on the wall.

'Don't forget. December thirty is the full moon. I'll be there.

 Mei pieh chi'

"Lara! Taly! Amy!"

Oliver called sisters. Everyone came and saw it.

"Mei...? She is your sister who disappeared two years ago, isn't she."

"Yeah, Donnie. Leo said that he got it from Venus. But what is the relation between them?"

"I can't imagine, Taly. I think this is just a bad joke..."

"But this handwriting is Mei ne-san's! I clearly remember!"

While others were talking, Larota and Hopu looked each other and nodded.

"The full moon is the weak point of the Nayichu. This is the fact. What do you think, leader? Should we go or not?"

Asked Lara.

"I think...we should. I guess Nayichu doesn't expect our fast action, may be it would be sneak attack for her."

"Then we need to be ready. Let's go guys! We have to prepare everything! I feel it would be the final fight!"

Larota yelled. Everyone did as she said.

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