Spin The Bottle/The Ocean Waves

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Jayden's POV

It's been a couple of days since my birthday party. Kristal decided to make a high school reunion gathering at the twin's home since it's the biggest. Since she isn't allowed to invite people that didn't know about Grayson's existence, that means that the only people that she can invite are basically everyone that came to my party. It isn't much of a high school reunion if we've already reunited. Kristal still did it anyway. Kristal has always loved to plan for stuff like this and decorate the whole place, so I wasn't gonna ruin her fun.

So far it hasn't been as awkward as most High School reunions turn out to be since we're all basically friends. Kristal also invited James Charles and Emma Chamberlain. They're close friends with the twins back in High School. They were known as the Sister Squad.  It's crazy how they're all huge influencers now. I've been too shy to go up to the two of them and have an actual conversation. Even though I have met Emma before when the twins invited us to be in a YouTube video for their channel. But that happened a pretty long time ago and we haven't really talked since then. We've only replied to each others instagram stories a couple times but that's about it.

We said 'hi' to each other when we met again today, but that's it. I'm also trying not to fanboy that thee James Charle is in the same room as me. Kristal and I are both sitting on a random table in the living room, randomly cackling at each other's stupid jokes. Liam obviously didn't come since he didn't go to the same High School as all of us.

I look around the room and see everyone has settled in. Ethan and Morgan are hanging out together being flirty with each other. It's disgusting how cute they are together. Nathan and Jeremy are arm wrestling and making bets with each other. Grayson is being a goofball while Emma and James are being entertained by his silly jokes. And then there's... Kevin. He is also amused by Grayson, although, he is mainly in the background.

He was also at my party but I never got a chance to talk to him. His face kinda seems familiar to me when I went to High School but I can't place a finger on him. Judging by how he is separating himself from everyone makes me wonder why he came if he doesn't seem to be close with anyone. The longer I stare at him, the more I feel sorry for him. I've been in his shoes before, so I know the feeling of being alone during a social gathering.

"You should go talk to him. You're single after all." Kristal smirks, followed by a determining nudge to go talk to him. I guess Kristal noticed me staring at him. "Yeah, I do feel bad for him," I say. "Why don't I invite him to sit with us?"

"If you invite him over here then you'll have no chance with him. He'll probably be falling for me the entire time." Kristal sarcastically flips her hair. We both laugh. "Besides, Grayson will get hella jealous if he sees you talking to another guy. It serves him right for breaking up with you."

"Stop!" I laugh as I make my way over to him. From the corner of my eye, I see Grayson's head facing my direction. His curious eyes follow me as I walk closer to Kevin.

"Hey," I say to Kevin once I make it to him. "Hey," He says back. "If you're gonna try to seduce me too, then I'm not interested." Keith raises his voice. "What?? No, I just thought we should get to know each other a bit more." I say.

"Oh... sure." He says. He doesn't seem to be too interested in my proposal, which gets me feeling discouraged.

After a couple of minutes of our back and forward small talk, he told me that he was friends with Grayson, which explains why he seemed so interested in him. Then I asked him why doesn't he go talk to him but all he says is that it was complicated. He's probably intimidated by James and Emma which I don't blame. Or perhaps he's intimidated by Grayson which I also don't blame him.

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