Chapter 1: "Y/N Kamado"

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A/N: Hello! Dear Reader, this book that you are reading right now is the Second Book that I have made! Now.. I don't have any words for a greeting but the Only thing I can say to you right now is.. Enjoy!

And Also Quick Reminder about the MC, I'm sure you all know by the cover of this Book is that his Ancestor is non other than the Strongest Character of the entire Show, Yoriichi. Now I'm sure you all are thinking that we'll have Yoriichi's Feats like Instantly killing Muzan and stuff... well if you think that we'll have all of that, I'm sorry to disappoint but No, you won't have his Feats... Well, Not yet Anyways





"Tanjuro, Look..!" Tanjuro smiled and leaned closer to his Wife, Kie Kamado, Tanjuro looked down and saw.. A Baby that was being held in the Arms of his Wife

Kie: "He's so.." She smiled as she looked at the Baby that was currently sleeping in her arms

Tanjuro: "I know.." He smiled as well but then his eyes shift towards a Mark that was currently at the top of the Baby's forehead "What is this, a mark?" He pointed

Kie: "Yes it is."

Tanjuro: "Did you ask the Doctor about it?"

Kie: "I did and he said he couldn't explain and just came to the conclusion that it was a mark."

Tanjuro: "I see." He smiled and caressed the cheek of the Baby

Kie: "What should we name him?"

Tanjuro hummed and after a few seconds he looked at his Wife "How about, Y/N?"

Kie: "Y/N.. Y/N.." She smiled "It's a beautiful name, Y/N Kamado."


Y/N Kamado, Age 5

Y/N Kamado was currently standing on the side lines as he watched his Father do the "Dance" that was passed throughout the Kamado Family called "Dance of the Fire God" and those who were assigned to do this "Dance" always wore the Hanafuda Earrings which were passed down throughout generations of the Kamado Family

Y/N observed his Father's Movements carefully as he did the dance... But as he watched, he always wondered How his Father was able to do such thing for an Entire Night, He always wondered how his father was able to strengthen himself by just.. Breathing.

How was Y/N able to know this? Well, because unlike any other Child, Y/N was born with a weird Birthmark on his forehead and along with that mark, he was born with a special sight that allowed him to see through the bodies of living creatures

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How was Y/N able to know this? Well, because unlike any other Child, Y/N was born with a weird Birthmark on his forehead and along with that mark, he was born with a special sight that allowed him to see through the bodies of living creatures.

Soon After Tanjuro completed the Dance, He had walked inside his room and sat down on his bed and prepared to sleep but then he hears the door to his room opening, he turned around and saw Y/N enter his room

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