Chapter 2: "Departure and Training"

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Y/N Kamado

I stood outside my home with Mr. Urokodaki beside me and in front of us was Tanjuro Kamado and Kie Kamado who was currently carrying Tanjiro in her arms

A While earlier, I had broken out the news that I was leaving to go pursue the career of being a Demon Slayer but of course, both my parents denied it due to the fact of how dangerous it was, but after some convincing my Parents finally agreed to let me go and now I stood in front of my home with barely anything in my hands

Tanjuro: "Y/N.." He walks over to me "..Before you go, please take this.." He extends his hand and opens his palm and on it was the Hanafuda Earrings that he always wore

Y/N: "The Earrings? But.."

Tanjuro: "No, don't go against it Y/N, just please take these earrings.." He grabs my hand and places the earrings on my palm "..Treat the earrings as some kind of 'Good Luck' charm during your journey."

I looked down on my palm and gripped the Earrings "Okay.. thank you for this, Father.." I look up at him and smiled

Kie: "Make sure to send us letters and visit us if you have the time, okay?"

I nod "Of course, I'll make sure to do so." 

Kie took a deep breath and smiled "Have a safe trip, Y/N."

Y/N: "I will.." I smile at my Mother, I then turned to look at Urokodaki "Mr. Urokodaki, I'm ready.."

Urokodaki nodded and looked at both my Parents "I will make sure to take good care of him.."

Tanjuro smiled at Urokodaki "Of course, make sure you do."

Urokodaki nods at him and taps my shoulder, signalling that we were leaving

I wave goodbye to my Parents and ran over to Urokodaki's side and walked along side him 


On our way, Urokodaki reminded me that we were heading towards Mt. Sagiri where he would train the next generation of Demon Slayers

As we arrived in the mountain, Urokodaki took me in and assigned me a room and as I was set Urokodaki would tell me some information about the Demon Slayer Corps, the info he told me included on How long the Corps existed, how it was unrecognized by the Government, and finally he tells me about the higher ranks of the Corps called "Hashiras" 

From what I got from Urokodaki was that the Hashiras were the strongest Slayers in the Corps and if a Hashira were to be killed or retire, their Tsuguko or Successor would take their place 

And as for How to join the Corps, Urokodaki told me that every pupil must go through and survive the Final Selection that was held at Mt. Fujikasane 

After the lesson Urokodaki immediately put me into training, the training was to descend the mountain while of course to dodge and avoid the traps that were set 

While I descended down the mountain I had successfully avoided every trap and completed the first course without any Injury

This same training regimen was used for an entire week but as the days went on, new traps were set and the traps got more difficult and deadly, then the next week it was the same thing again but this time I held a sword while descending the mountain, but even with the sword it didn't stop me and I had successfully descended down the mountain again without any Injuries

Needless to say, Urokodaki was impressed at the display since, no student of his has ever done such things, descending the mountain and completing the course without any injury and completing it in Record time

But as the Weeks went by Urokodaki had assigned me to do sword swings everyday and every time after I completed the course 

But before I did my sword swings, Urokodaki gave me a reminder Beforehand, that reminder was how a sword was able to break easily and how it was strong vertically and Weaker Horizontally, so.. what I needed to do was to apply the force straight along the blade. The Blade's direction and the direction in which you apply the force must be exactly the same.

After my sword swings, Urokodaki gave me a training sword and told me to land a hit on him 


Urokodaki and Y/N stood across from each other, with Y/N holding training sword and Urokodaki being bare-handed and unarmed

Urokodaki: "I want you to land a hit on me, Y/N."

Y/N nodded but then within seconds Y/N was suddenly in front of Urokodaki

Urokodaki: "What the..?! I couldn't see him..!" His thoughts were cut short as Y/N swung his sword at Urokodaki at speeds that the eye couldn't see, due to this he was hit in neck, chest, stomach, and then the foot

Urokodaki then fell down and landed on his face, groaning

Y/N quickly dropped the training sword and ran to his side "Mr. Urokodaki, I'm sorry, are you okay?" 

Urokodaki flipped himself over and sat up, rubbing his neck, coughing "I.. I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Y/N: "I'm sorry for doing that.."

Urokodaki: "I said it's fine, after all, I was the one who told you to hit me.." He assured him and patted his head

Y/N: "Even so.. you should go have your wounds checked.."

Urokodaki sat up "I will.. but for now, let's rest for the day.." He walks away towards his hut

Y/N soon followed after

Later in the Evening Urokodaki had checked on the spots where Y/N had struck him and was surprised that fist-sized welts appeared on the parts where he was struck, luckily no bones were broken

Soon After he checked on his wounds both Y/N and Urokodaki sat across from each other, peacefully eating dinner..

Urokodaki: "Y/N.. if I may ask you, did you know how to use a sword?"

Y/N shook his head "No, it was my first time swinging one."

Urokodaki was shocked at this information, a 7 Year Old child had successfully beaten him, a Hashira, in a blink of an eye without any knowledge of using a sword

Urokodaki: "Really? You had no prior training?"

Y/N nodded "Yes.. my father never taught me on how to use a sword since we were only a family of charcoal sellers.."

Urokodaki: "I see, but still.. how did you defeat me? It seemed that you only hit my at a specific spot."

Y/N: "Before I struck you.. I took a deep breath. Then I took a good look at your skeletal alignment, muscle contradiction, and blood flow.."

It took Urokodaki some time before he understood that.. Y/N can see through the bodies of Living creatures, after Urokodaki understood this he couldn't hide his shock any longer as he stared amazed at the young man that was eating in front of him

Urokodaki: "..Y/N, I think maybe you should rest for tonight, our training will continue tomorrow.."

Y/N: "..Okay." He stood up and bowed "Thank you for the Meal."

Urokodaki nodded and watched as Y/N walked in his room, soon after that Urokodaki walked in his own room and slept


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