Chapter 12: A New Year

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Y/N Kamado, Age 17



"Tch! How the hell are you so fast?!"

Sanemi Shinazugawa. The New Wind Hashira, was currently in a sparring match against Y/N Kamado...

The first time Sanemi was summoned, he had...some words for the Head of the Demon Slayer Corps. Though it seemed after the meeting, he was disciplined...But not Disciplined enough around other fellow Hashira's..

"..This sparring match has been going on for too long don't you think?" Said Y/N "You should move on to spar against the others.."

Currently, Sanemi had sparred against Giyu Tomioka and Tengen Uzui. Y/N Kamado, the Sun Hashira, was his third Sparring Partner and after his match against the Sun Hashira would end, it was Kanae's turn then finally Gyomei. Though unlike all other matches prior, Sanemi's match against Y/N had been going for almost two hours with each rematch ending in his defewt or a draw, though it was only a draw since Y/N had done it on purpose in an attempt to end it quickly

"You know what..." Sanemi lets out a sigh "Fine, but we'll spar later! Don't forget about it!"

"Okay." Was all Y/N said, sheathing his sword

"Oh? Is it my turn now?" Kanae leaned over

"Yeah..Though Shinazugawa needs to rest for a bit. You can spar with him soon." Y/N said to her. Adjustinh his sword sheathe

"Okay! Anyways, May I come over to your estate tonight? I think Nezuko Enjoys my company."

Lately, Kanae has been visiting more frequently into Y/N's estate. This is all mostly because of Nezuko as Kanae really found her fun around to play with, sometimes even bringing Kanao though she also does this because she thought Kanao and Tanjiro would make a good pair, sometimes going to an extent to tease the two about marriage

"I guess you can.." Y/N nodded

"Oh! Is uh, Mr. Urokodaki coming over also?"

"Hn." Y/N nods again "He's been visiting more frequently also for some reason.."

Like Kanae, Even Mr. Urokodaki was visiting Y/N's estate more frequently also. Always with the same reason of wanting to see Y/N's siblings or simply coming over to have a meal. It's no surprise with all the unexpected visits from Urokodaki would make Y/N suspicious, though he didn't think too much about it.

As the pair was walking to Y/N's estate, Kanae simply kept on humming a song while Y/N stared ahead at the lights coming from his estate

He now pushes the gate door open and was immediately met with the sight of Tanjiro in the front door, ready to open it

Tanjiro jumped at the sound of the gate opening, quickly turning around then hiding his hands behind him "H..—Hello Big Brother.." He chuckled nervously "Y- You're really home early.."

"Tanjiro? Aren't you supposed to sleep now?"

"N..No?" He scratches head

Y/N sighs "Whatever, anyways, I'm gonna eat. Tell Mother Kanae will be joining again and also tell Nezuko."

"Right!" Tanjiro nodded and turned but then stopped as his brother's voice interrupted

"By the way Tanjiro...Where did you come from?"

Tanjiro blinked once...then twice... "U..—Uh, I came back after I spoke with Mr. Urokodaki.." He nodded quickly "Mhm! Mr. Urokodaki left earlier but I had a long conversation with him before he left, mhm!"

"I see then.."

Kanae tugged on Y/N's sleeve "Y/N. Y/N.." Receiving no response, she pokes him "Poke, Poke. Y/N, Y/N."

"Hm?" He turned his head slightly

"I'm getting quite hungry already.." She taps her stomach

"Right, sorry.." Y/N turns back to his brother "Anyways Tanjiro, go tell mother. I'll change my clothes.."

"Right!" Tanjiro immediately ran inside


That was so close! Tanjiro thought. He looked at the palm of his hands, noticing how bruised it looked and how rough it felt. In truth, Tanjiro had actually began training on his own of trying to learn a breathing technique used by his own brother. Mr Urokodaki had visited the estate a few times a year before but at the start of the year...Tanjiro had secretly sent a letter to Mr. Urokodaki in hopes that he could teach him

Though, Urokodaki was reluctant to teach him, Tanjiro had somehow managed to convince him..

I'm sorry Brother.. Tanjiro thought  I'm sorry for hiding this from you and mother but...I can't let you do this on your own..


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