Chapter 6: "Kocho Sisters"

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Kanae Kocho, Age 14

Me and my family Always lived a peaceful life, Me and my sister, Shinobu, were privileged to live in a Family with Wealthy and Loving Parents who continuously doted on and cared for us both with Me and my Sister wanting for nothing and were truly content with the simple life we were living.. But like everything, some things must always come to an end.. and our Simple Life came crashing down when someone or something broke into our home while me and My Sister were about to sleep

I watched as the man.. no, it wasn't a man, it couldn't be one, the man or thing that broke into our home was not Human at all. Me and my Sister could only watch as our parents were brutally killed and.. devoured right in front of us, I watched as that thing ate my father right in front of me and Shinobu

The Thing slowly turned around to look at us, as I saw this I quickly pulled my sister close to protect her.. but then I suddenly hear someone enter the room that me and my sister were in.. and I saw that it was a Boy who looked like he was at the same age as me

This boy had a Black, long and spiky hair with red tips that was kept in a ponytail and on his forehead was a strange mark, this man only wore a Black Jacket with Baggy pants that extended into his socks, all under his Red Haori

I then noticed the sword that was on the left side of his waist

The Thing then opened it mouth to say a few words "..More.. Food..!" The Thing laughed and lunged at him

But then in just a blink of an eye, the thing's head was swiftly cut and it's head landed on the ground with a thud and rolled past the Boy with the Red Haori, I stared at this boy in amazement, someone this young was able to kill it so easily..

The Boy then turned to look at us both "Are you okay?" The boy asked

I snapped out of my amazed state and answer "Y -Yes.. we're.. fine.."

???: "I see.." He turned to my Father's body "..Was this man.. a relative of yours?"

I nodded

???: "I see, may I ask what your names are?"

Kanae: "Kanae, Kanae Kocho and this is my sister.. Shinobu Kocho.."

???: "I'm Y/N, Y/N Kamado.." The Boy now named Y/N said and Sheathe is blade

Kanae: "U-Um..! Kamado..!"

Y/N: "Hm?"

Kanae: "..What was it..? That thing that attacked us?"

Y/N: "It was a demon." He replied, bluntly

My eyes widened, Demon... I had heard stories about the existence of demons, but when I first heard it I always shook it off as another horror story or myth.. but it was no myth.. Demons were real and it had.. eaten both of our parents

I snap out of my shocked state and looked at Y/N "What happens now?"

Y/N: "I'm not so sure but.." He reaches into his belt and pulled out a pouch, he then extended his arm out to me

Kanae: "What is this?" I slowly took the small pouch and opened it

Y/N: "It's what you call a Wisteria flower, wisteria flowers keep Demons away.."

As I looked at the flower I soon hear another footstep, I look up and see a Tall, Hulking figure with spiky black hair and a prominent scar running horizontally across the Man's forehead.

???: "Kamado, did you find the demon?"

Y/N nodded "I did and I managed to kill it but.. I couldn't arrive in time and ended up killing the parents of these two." He said

'' Descendant '' [KNY/Demon Slayer x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now