Chapter 7: Small Talk

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A/N: If any of you thought this book was discontinued, it wasn't. I was just simply making some drafts and working on other books

Also, this Chapter will be short and I've decided to skip on a few things


"CAW! CAW! North! Head North! People have gone missing in the forest near the town! CAW!" My crow shouted, literally waking me up from my sleep

I groaned and looked around

It has been a week since the Kocho Sisters left, I assigned Kanae to Urokodaki and asked Gyomei to introduce Shinobu to a cultivator. For extra protection, I also sent some more Wisteria flowers to my family and ever since Father had died, I began visiting them more frequently, making sure they were okay and most of the time I help around

During the Week Master Ubuyashiki had introduced us to a new Hashira, who was a bit older than me. His name was Tengen Uzui and I heard that he had 3 Wives, and his breathing style is 'Sound Breathing'. Me and him had a small chat and soon had a practice spar, which I won. The forms of his Breathing Style was also great and unique

I stood up from my bed and went down to the dining room, where I saw a letter from Urokodaki

Right, I requested Urokodaki to at least update me on Kanae's training when I first introduced her to him. Though, he would only send letters at the end of each week

After exercising and some practice, eating breakfast, and a Bath, I put on my Slayer Attire and made my way to the assigned the mission

As I arrived at the town, it was pretty crowded, lots of stands and people, though this entire town was surrounded by a thick forest and only 2 pathways lead to the town which required everyone to cross the forest. A Perfect Spot to ambush someone

I made my way through the town, looking around

"Oh, Y/N?" A Voice from behind was heard

I turn around and saw.."Kyojuro?"

"Y/N! My friend!" He approached and gave me a brief hug, tapping my shoulder "How have you been?"

"Doing good..though, why are you here?"

"My Mission. I was tasked to go here."

"I see."

"Anyways.." He looked around "..It seems, its still a long time till it turns night. Do you want to go and eat?"

"Sure." I nodded

"Great!" He taps my shoulder and began walking to a direction "..Follow me!"


I sat down beside Kyojuro and took a sip of my tea, while Kyojuro was eating Ramen beside me

He gulps down the food before shouting "DELICIOUS!"

I sigh and placed my tea down and began eating my own food (Pick a Random food)

"Delicious!" He shouted again

After some time, we both finally finished our food

"Delicious!" He places the empty bowl down

"Uh, anyways Kyojuro..What have you been doing?"

"Nothing much, other than slaying demons. How about you?"

"Same thing, though I saved 2 girls from a demon and requested me to...train them, sort of."

Kyojuro looks at me in surprise "Really? You're already taking in students?"

I shook my head "No, I only introduced them to a Cultivator. So I didn't train them, though both of them seem really dedicated in becoming slayers.."

"That's admirable..! I'm happy that there are people willing to risk their own lives to protect humans." He chuckled

I nodded

"Though, why didn't you train them instead?"

"I just don't think I'd be a good teacher..."

"Don't look down upon yourself. I'm sure you'd be a great teacher!" He taps my back

"I don't think so.." I sighed

"Hmm.." He puts a hand on his chin, before looking at me "How about this? When I get my own student to teach, I'll make sure that you'll help me do so."

"Teach?" He nods "With you?" He nodded again

"Hm, I guess I can do that.."

He smiled "Plus, I consider you to be an inspiration to me."


He nods "I do. You became a Hashira in a Week. So that's why I strive to become as strong as you."

I couldn't help but smile at this remark, chuckling "Thank you.."

He nodded and looked outside "It's almost Night."

"Ah.." I looked out "..We should hurry then." I took out my wallet "..I'll pay instead.."

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm, you can meet me outside."

Kyojuro nodded and walked out with me following soon after placing the payment down

I walked out "Ready?"

He nodded "Mhm! My Bright Red sword shall burn the Demon to the bone!" He said, proudly

"Let's go then." I turned around and began sprinting away with Kyojuro following me a second later

Throughout the entire Night, we searched through the forest until we came across a few demons, which we killed. Successfully completing the mission.


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