Chapter 13: An Upcoming Danger..

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Y/N Kamado, Age 17

"Tanjiro.." Y/N stared at him in disbelief "What have you...Been doing?"


Tanjiro looked down on his hands as he stared at the wooden training sword he was holding. He was caught...Training, from what Y/N had seen, Tanjiro was seemingly already beginning the use of Total Concentration and there glimpses that he saw Tanjiro beginning to use the First Form of Water Breathing, though it was sloppy and he still hadn't perfected it..

"You've my back? Without Mother nor anyone knowing..?"

Tanjiro gripped the sword tightly "Y..Yes..I..I have.."

"Tanjiro.." Y/N quickly crouched in front of him "You know how dangerous this work is, you understand why I'm not letting you do this.."

"I do! But, I- I just want to help.." Tanjiro looked down "I..Want to help you, I want to...Help you protect our family, I want to also help carry your burdens.."

"I promised Father that I wouldn't let anyone other than me do this...I can't let you do this.."

Tanjiro looks up "But why?! You always come up and do your work without rest, you risk your life everyday just to protect us and other people, you carry the burden and responsibility of protecting humans! I want to help you do this also!"

"This work Dangerous Tanjiro. You understand how much risks it has? How your chances of survival will deplete if you do this work."

"I know! I understand but please, trust me, I can do this! I know I can!" Tanjiro wasn't giving up. No matter what words his brother threw at him, it won't stop him, and at this point...nothing will

"Tanjiro, I..—"


Y/N looked up as his crow as It landed on the edge of his roof "What is it?"



My mind went blank in an instant. The world slowed down around me as my thoughts began going faster. The news was so sudden, it actually surprised me to the point my mind is now in this state. Wondering..

Upper Moon Two? She encountered an Upper Moon? How? Why is there an Upper Moon Right now? Is she planning to fight it alone?

"..Upper Moon...Two.."

"B-Big Brother?" Tanjiro looked at Y/N, worried "Are you..—"

"Tanjiro.." Y/N slowly stood up "I'm going to help and assist Kanae, tell mother that.."

Y/N spoke as if it was his last day on earth..

He knew the power of the Upper Moons, many Hashira's before this current generation died because of them. While Hashira's can easily take out Lower Moons, the Upper Moons are...The next biggest threat besides Muzan. The Upper Moons haven't changed for...An Entire Century, their ranks have stayed the same, no Upper Moon has fell victim to any Demon Slayer for an Entire...Century

He was strongest Hashira currently...But, could he take an Upper Moon? Alone? Could he..?

Y/N began dashing out of his house as he ran now, his Crow following shortly behind

Upper Moon Two straight away...The first news in a couple of years of an Upper Moon appearing..

Will I...Be able to cut its head off? Will I die trying to do it?


"My, my. You are truly interesting~" The Upper Moon let out a sigh as it now showed a smile towards Kanae

Kanae panted as she wiped off the blood from her mouth, she was injured. Her injuries weren't too severe...Not yet at least, she had a few broken bones but was still in a state to fight..

She encountered an Upper Moon....And out of all Upper Moons, it was Two. Upper Moon Two, it's Blood Demon Art seemed to be something related to Ice. It's powerful and strong, but the Demon is Cocky and Arrogant, it seems to be toying with her..

"Ahaha!" UMP2 (Upper Moon Two) Laughed "Ah, where are my manners?" He opens his fan "My name...Is Doma, may I ask what's yours now? Hm?" He asked Her

Kanae didn't answer as she began standing back up, stumbling while doing so

"Oh? Are we gonna be playing again? Hm?" He lets out a carefree laugh "I sure do love playing with humans, it's so fun.."

Around the Upper Moon...Were bodies and body parts...There were arms, legs, decapitated heads, some of the bodies were cut in half which showed the intestines coming out of it. It seemed before she arrived...He was already feasting on the populous in the town..

"You know what else is fun?" He showed her a grin "I sure do love devouring humans...They just taste so.." He lets out a maniacal laughter "Ah, especially.." He points at Kanae "..Women like you.."

Kanae gripped her sword as she kept listening "I wonder how you'll taste like after I devour you. Maybe you'll be even more delicious.." He now looks up as he kept on grinning, a slight drool coming out as he spoke

"Ah! I can just...Already imagine the image, It's like...I could already taste you..!"

Doma now closes his fan, tilting his head to the side "It would be boring to kill you straight away, you know? So come on and let's play..!"


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