Chapter 9: Family Bonding

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"Hey! Big Brother!"

"Eh?" I now turned to my Brother, Tanjiro "What is it?"

"What is your work?" He asks

"My work?"

A Day After the Hashira Meeting, I decided to go back to my family and spend time with them since I currently didn't have any mission assigned to me yet. Though I'm still surprised that Kanae was able to rise the ranks of Hashira but I still don't have any Information about her Sister yet, but I do hope that she's fine.

"Mhm, you never talk about it."

"Yes, I'm also interested in your work.." Nezuko, who was sitting on my lap since I was fixing her hair, looked up at me

"My work..." I took some time to think about what I should say, since I can't just tell them that my work involves me slaying inhuman beings that uses magic like in the books

"Does it have something to do with this sword?" He pointed at it

"..Yes, It does."

"What do you use the sword for?" Nezuko asked, getting off my lap then sitting down beside Tanjiro

"My work is...Slaying...Bears and..Boars. Yes Bears and Boars, I hunt them and sell them." I cleared my throat, confident in my answer

"Oh...Then, can you bring us food when you come back again?" Nezuko asked

"Bring food.." I thought "..Sure why not. Next time I'll make sure to bring food, okay?"

"Yay!" My two siblings cheered

"Ah, can you show us 'The Dance' again before you leave?"

"Dance?" I cupped my chin "I have the time to do it...Sure, make sure to call Mother and the others." I stood up

"Okay. Come on Nezuko." Tanjiro stood up and jogged outside with Nezuko following him


(Tanjiro Kamado's POV)

I currently stood on the sidelines beside my Mother and my Siblings, watching as my Brother, Y/N, performed the Dance of the Fire God. It amazes me that he was also able to do something like this even in harsh conditions, though I wish I could also do something to help him since he's been doing so much things that help us even when he's away

But I still wonder, is Slaying Bears and Boars really his work? Does he have to go so far just to slay them?  I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts

After a few Minutes, he was done performing

"I'm gonna go now, please take care mother." He bowed

She smiled "You also Y/N, make sure to take care of yourself."

My brother smiled and turned towards us, patting my head and Nezuko's "You both be good now, okay? Make sure to take care of the others." He said

I looked up at him, nodding "I will." I smiled


(Y/N Kamado's POV)

"Goodbye Big Brother!" Tanjiro waved alongside the others as I walked away

I waved back as I descend down the mountain

As I walked down, I began thinking of requesting Master Ubuyashiki to allow my family to perhaps move in with me in my Estate, due to the fact my house was in a forest up in the mountains where a Demon could possibly appear at any second. Even though I gave them a Wisteria Flower to protect themselves, I still doubt the Flower could repel any kind of Demon.

Well, I won't have to worry about it if Master Ubuyashiki accepts my request.


A Random Filler Chapter done

It was really short but I just wrote this so I could show Y/N's relationship with his family

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