Chapter 4: "Mission"

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Y/N Kamado

After getting the Message of my Mission, I changed into my Demon Slayer Uniform, after putting on my attire I now wore the Standard Demon Slayer uniform, which was a dark-brown gakuran jacket, a white belt, baggy pants that extend into my socks, a pair of red straps, and bands of white cloth wrapped tightly around my calves, all beneath my Red Haori

As I finished putting on my attire, Urokodaki proceeded to explain the Demon Slayer Uniform, his explanation included that it was made of a special type of fiber that would repel moisture and wouldn't burn easily

After the Explanations, I finally set off to go to my mission but of course said 'Goodbye' to Mr. Urokodaki


As I arrived at the forest, I noticed the Denseness of it

Y/N: "This forest.. it's to thick and dense, a perfect spot for an ambush.."  I thought as I walked through it

As I explored the forest I came across a camp site, the camp site had a campfire that was recently put out, tents that were ripped apart, and blood on the tents

Y/N: "I guess I can wait for the demon here.." I muttered 

As I waited for the sun to set, I explored the campsite and the area around it to search for a dead body or anything that can lead me to the demon

Soon, The sun finally sets and darkness spreads around me, the only thing I was able to hear was the sound of crickets and leaves swaying due to the wind and soon the bushes behind me rustled

I turn around and I see a Demon, slowly stepping out of the darkness with finger

Demon: "Huh?" The Demon squints it's eyes at me, probably observing, then the Demon throws the finger in it's mouth and chewed on it "That sword and clothing.." He swallows "..You part of that Demon Slayer corps thing or something?"

I only stared at the Demon while gripping my blade

Demon: "Not gonna talk or you can't? If you can't.. that's good, I hate hearing you humans speak, it's such a bother honestly.." The Demon complained

I gripped my blade tighter as I took a stance, aiming for the Demon's neck

Demon: "Well no matter, I'll just go ahead and give you a quick death, how about that--" The Demon was cut off as I dashed at it at high speeds, swiftly slicing it's head off in one slice

The Demon's head slowly fell off it's body and soon it's Headless body also fell down on the ground with a thud

I turn my head and watched the Demon slowly disintegrate, I turn back and Sheathe my blade

Crow: "Caw! Caw! Y/N Kamado! Go to the mountains in the East! A Demon Lurks there!" My Crow said as it hovered above me

Y/N: "Okay." I reply to my crow and walk off

I soon arrived to the Mountain where the Demon was said to be lurking, along the way I had gotten some information about this mission, I had heard that other Slayers had been sent here but non ever returned, the slayers that were sent here were higher ranks like Tsuchinoto or Kanoe but even the Slayers with ranks like these went missing here

During my time with Urokodaki, he told me that there was a group called The "12 Demon Moons", and this group was split into Upper and Lower ranks, Urokodaki also said that no Upper Rank Demon has been killed for an Entire Century and those who were part of the Demon Moons were said to be the strongest Demons in existance

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