Chapter 9: Moved in

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"It looks so big!"

Tanjiro looked around his brother's estate, scrolling through various things in his Brother's home. Meanwhile Y/N's mother and his Siblings were unpacking in their assigned rooms as Tanjiro and Nezuko had their own while the younger ones stayed with his Mother in one room

Y/N thanked Master Ubuyashiki for allowing his Family to move in with him since Y/N didn't felt that his family wouldn't be safe in a area that was surrounded by the trees due to the fact most Demon's would lurk in forests.

"I'll be heading out, all the recipes to cook are there." Y/N pointed at a crate full of various recipes

"Thank you, Y/N." His mother bowed "I'll be sure to take care of the house for you."

Y/N smiles "Thank you, Mother."


I stepped out of the house, closing the gate behind me "Are you ready to go, Kamado?" A Voice asked me

I looked up and noticed the new Hashira, Kanae Kocho, in front of me. Before my family arrived to my estate, I was assigned to go to a mission with Kanae since apparently I was the one close to her even before she became a Hashira and was during training.

"I'm ready." I began walking away alongside Kanae who followed after me

"It's nice to see that you're doing well now." Kanae spoke "You know I was worried about you too during my training.."

"You were? Why?"

"Well, you're the one who got cultivators to train me and my sister. The one who took care of us for maybe a week if I'm right, and the one who saved us. So of course, I would be worried."

"I see." Was all I said

"But this is our first mission together, isn't it?"

"It is."

She smiles "Then, I look forward in fighting with you."

"Me too." As we walked, I started thinking about the other Sibling. Shinobu Kocho, I was wondering if she passed or maybe...

"Uh, Kocho—"

"Please call me Kanae." She cuts me off

"Kanae?" She nodded "Uh, sure.." I clear my throat "May I ask what happened to your sibling?"

I noticed her smile didn't really change but instead her mood seemed to brighten up "Ah! Shinobu? She's doing great, she's excelling in creating medicine plus lethal poison against Demon's. Did Master Ubuyashiki not tell you?"

"Uh, not yet.."

"Oh, is that why you seemed worried?"

"A little.." I turned back

She gigged "Look's like I'm not the only one worried."


After walking to the nearest Train Station and taking a train up North where some Demon's were reported to be seen, Me and Kanae quickly dashed into the forest as I used my great sense of smell plus hearing to find the location of the Demon

"From what I heard, there are multiple Demon's here.." I looked around "Split up, call for help if you're in danger. Okay?"

Kanae nodded "Right." She would dash away, leaving me in my current position. I turned my head to the right as I now noticed two Demon's slowly approach me. Both were drooling as they got into a stance, getting ready to leap onto me

Just as I predicted, One leaps at me as it reeled back its arm to launch a slash. I faced the flat side of my sword as I blocked said slice, bouncing the Demon away from me. I turned around and ducked as the Demon goes over me. One of them charged at me and launches two slices which I dodged by swiping left and right, the other one also charged at me from behind but I just sidestep which caused said demon to crash onto the other

"ARRRGHH! YOU IDIOT!" One of the Demon's shouted "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!"


The Demons growled at each other before looking at me. The two leaps towards me again at the same time as I quickly got into form

Raging Sun

Two Slashes were launched at the two demons, who's heads were swiftly sliced off in a flash. As I stared at the two Heads, I failed to notice a third one charging at me at high speeds

"Got you!" The Third Demon shouted as it prepared to attack

I turned quickly to slice its head but..

Flower Breathing, Fourth Form, Crimson Hanagoromo

A single slash is delivered onto the Demon's head by Kanae Kocho who instantly sliced its head off "You should be more careful next time." She said

"Thank's for the Assist.."

"No problem." She sheathes her blade

It's nice to see that she's improved. Even though I only saw one form of her breathing style, it's still nice to see she's improved.


Short Chapter

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