(Modern AU) Special Chapter: Your Fault

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A Modern AU Chapter and if you guys ask, It's between you and Kanae. Not Mitsuri since she hasn't been introduced in this book yet


Y/N sighed as he opened the door to the cafe, alerting the Waiters and Waitresses due to the bell that hung above the door "Welcome sir!" A Waitress greets while Y/N just nodded

He placed his bag on the seat in front of him, sighing. He was currently a S/N (Subject name) Teacher at Kimetsu Academy and he was also grading the test papers of his students since their Exams had just finished

After buying a nice F/D (Favorite Drink), Y/N sat down and first read the tests "Okay.." He muttered as he took a sip but then froze after hearing a familiar voice

"My, my..I didn't expect to see Mr. L/N slacking off here." The Voice said

He immediately turned around and was met by the smile of his fellow Teacher, Kanae Kocho, the Elder Sister of a Senior Student named Shinobu Kocho

Him and Kanae both studied at the same University together and actually met when they were apart of a group activity. Needless to say, she was sort of a bother to him and she knew this very well

"Kocho, I'm not slacking off...You can clearly see me checking..—"

She giggled "As always, you can never take a joke.."

"Wha—? I can." Y/N defended himself

"From what I saw, I don't think you can." She now grabbed his book bag and set it down on the floor beside her, sitting across from him

"Hey...I think you're supposed to ask for permission to sit there." He pointed

She tilted her head rather innocently "Hm? Permission? From who?" She asked as if she didn't know

Y/N sighed "Nevermind.." He grumbled and muttered "Not like you won't stop bothering me.."

"Fufu, You know I'm waiting for the day till you admit that you actually enjoy my company." She rested her head on her palm

"You know that isn't true.." Y/N bluntly said, trying to deny it

"Oh my, You really are a tsundere." She giggled

A vein appeared on his forehead "I'm not a Tsundere."

Kanae always enjoyed messing with him, she herself knew that Y/N enjoyed her company and liked messing with him because he didn't want to admit that he too enjoyed it "So, are you done scoring the tests?"

He shook his head "No but Almost though.."

"Ah.." She now looked out the window "..You know once you're done, we can spend time with each other more, Christmas is almost here after all."

Y/N choked on his drink "Wh-What are you saying?" He coughed

Kanae bursted into Laughter and then covered her mouth to muffle it "Aha! You looked so cute..!" She continued to laugh until it turned to a giggle "I think I should do this more often."

"You.." He glared at her

"I'm kidding!" She assured him "But what? Did you perhaps think I was serious? Did you wish I was?"

"I-I..Uh.." Y/N stuttered as his appearance of being a stoic figure was breaking down

"Kidding again..!" She stuck her tongue out playfully

His glare hardened but then Y/N thought of something and took a deep breath "Fine, I'll be blunt...I do wish you were serious."

Kanae's eyes widened a bit "Huh?"

"Yes, I was actually excited about the fact that we'd spend time with each other...Especially on Christmas, you know we could do things Couples would do...Like, Holding Hands while walking through the Streets filled with lights, wearing the same sweater, snuggling under a warm blanket while watching a Christmas movie and while drinking Hot chocolate. I was excited about that."

Y/N took a glance at the Girl in front of him, who's face was red as a tomato and with her mouth agape, clearly shocked "What?" Was all he said to her

"I..—Uh..I.." She was now the one who was stuttering

He smirked "What? Don't you want to do it also? I thought you wanted to spend time with me.."

"I—I need to go home!" She suddenly stood up and ran out of the cafe...But then came back to get her back then ran out again

Y/N exhaled "Gosh, that was so bold of me..." He muttered and huffed "..Well..It's not like I was opposed in doing those with.." He quickly shook his head "No, no, calm down.." He cleared his throat

"Okay, continue.." He just grabbed the test paper and read it


Kanae leaned on the wall and slowly turned her head as she took a Glance at Y/N "Idiot..." She turned back and pouted "Why can't you just admit it?" She pushed herself off and stomped away "Idiot, Idiot.." She muttered under her breath

The Words of Y/N again replayed in her head

Holding Hands

Snuggling under a warm Blanket

Spending time with each other

Her heart began to beat fast as she continued walking "No, no..!" She shook her head "He wasn't serious, He wasn't Serious, He wasn't..—" As much as she tried to deny it, a part of her said otherwise, after all Y/N was known for his bluntness and honesty

Kanae grabbed on the door knob, twisting it, entering her house. As she entered, She was greeted by her Younger Sister "Welcome Home, Big Sis." Shinobu said as she was reading

"Hello." She took off her shoes

"Did you eat already?" She asks

Kanae thought for a moment and nodded "I did.."

"Ah, so will you be sleeping early?" Her younger sister asked

"Mhm!" Kanae now began walking up the stairs

"Okay! Good Night!" Shinobu waved slightly

"Night!" The Muffled voice of the Older Sister was heard before a door was heard shutting

Kanae plops down on her bed, grabbing a pillow before... "Kya!" She spun around her bed as she muffled her voice using the Pillow "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot Y/N! How am I supposed to sleep now?!" Her voice was muffled as she continue to roll around

Every time she heard Y/N's words, her heart just beats much faster "Idiot, Idiot.." She muttered before stopping "..Your fault I have these feelings..." She tightly held onto the pillow as the Face of her Crush appeared in her head "..It's your fault.." She muttered as her lips went upwards

"Your Fault...Idiot.."

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